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Whether this person is old or young, they definitely feel the need to share their wisdom- even if you didn't ask for it. These people tend to hang around the comment section of books or in Wattpad clubs (which to be fair I never use and when I do I tend to fuck up something).

Sometimes they're actually really helpful and their advice is useful but sometimes you feel like slapping them. Some Wise Owls tend to act superior to everyone else which in turn can make everyone hate them.

Wise Owls sometimes give life advice, sometimes writing advice or sometimes just patronise you. Either way, they're always there. Literally, if you make one mistake they tend to give you advice about something.

If you post something on your message board like 'Writer's block sucks :/' they'll reply within seconds saying something like 'What you need to do is sit in a dark room, wait till it's midnight and then take the blood of a mouse and mix it with the syrup of a magnolia. Place the mixture on your phone screen and your writers block will be cured. 100% works.'

Sometimes you love them, sometimes you hate them.

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