There are quite a lot of new writers on Wattpad who ask for advice from other accounts- and most new writers take this advice on board. However, there is a small minority of people who ask for advice and never take it.
These people tend to ask people for a review of their book, expecting you to be positive about all of it, so when you give them any advice- they just ignore it.
Example: Maybe add some detail and check over your spelling in places.
Reply: Okay bye
These are usually kind of like some of the people I've already mentioned- people who believe that their books are god's gifts to humanity.
Types Of People On Wattpad
RandomWattpad is like a dysfunctional family that seems to have a family gathering all year round... And some of them write stories. What I'm trying to say is that there are many types of people on Wattpad and some of them are pretty funny.