I suppose I've waited long enough to do this one. It's probably one you've been waiting a while for.
The Fanfic writer is probably one of the most common writers on Wattpad, and I promise there will never be a shortage of people ready and willing to write some top notch Fanfiction at the click of your fingers.
You will never fully escape Fanfiction on Wattpad and most people just tend to embrace it. Some of the fanfic writers on Wattpad are truly amazing writers whose books are pure genius, some are not quite so polished but they're getting there.
Remember The Fangirl I did a few chapters back? How there were different types of Fangirl? Well just like that, there are different types of Fanfic Writers.
There's the Horror/ Scary Fanfic writer whose books tends to edge into the realm of disturbing while being completely enthralling. These writers tend to write for smaller audiences because the storylines can be slightly niche.
Then there's the Happy Fanfic writer who tends to write the 'happy-go-lucky' fanfics that you tend to find on this site where everything goes in favour of the protagonist. There isn't any thing fundamentally wrong with these books, they can sometimes just be a bit bland.
There's the 'Ten Year Old' Fanfic writer is the type of pre-teen whose books tend to be about a famous YouTuber or child celebrity nowadays (the One D days are over) and these books can sometimes be... How can I put this? Slightly mundane and unedited? Not planned and plotless? Not saying that all ten-twelve year olds can't write, just some of them can't.
The Aesthetic Writer is the type of writer who will write those 'texting books' which don't include capital letters or they write those books about Harry Styles smoking cigarettes and a girl 'falling in love with the way the smoke seeped into his clothes like it was finding a home' or some poetic crap like that.
The Fanfic Writer Who Just Wants To Write A Book In A Different Genre (short and sweet title I know) is the type of writer who has an account based solely on fanfics so feels the need to turn every book into a fanfic when all they really want to do is post an action/ SciFi book.
These are just some of the Fanfic writers out there, there are tons of types of Fanfic writers. A never ending supply really.

Types Of People On Wattpad
RandomWattpad is like a dysfunctional family that seems to have a family gathering all year round... And some of them write stories. What I'm trying to say is that there are many types of people on Wattpad and some of them are pretty funny.