[credit to my bae XAngelafashX for the name for this chapter so follow her 💜]
Ever started reading a book that sounded really good and gotten a few chapters in, but when you try to go to next chapter you get to that screen that says 'To Be Continued' and it's at that moment that you notice that the book hasn't been updated for months? It sounds like you've come across The Eternal Cliffhanger who never completes any of their books, leaving their readers on a cliffhanger for well... eternity.
This is the type of writer who starts writing a book, only to give up a few chapters in, meaning they seem to have a pile of unfinished books that they'll claim they'll finish one day. This person tends to have too many ideas so attempts to write all of them, but runs out of steam very fast which is why they leave their books uncompleted.
This type of writer will infuriate readers across Wattpad who are constantly being left on cliffhangers, never to find out what happens. Sad times. Sad times.
[Side Note: This is how many drafts of titles for this chapter I did before getting help from someone. Since when did I become so uncreative? Like look at how bad these are: The Un-Finisher? The Person Who Doesn't Finish Books? The Forgetful Author? The Abandoner?]

Types Of People On Wattpad
RandomWattpad is like a dysfunctional family that seems to have a family gathering all year round... And some of them write stories. What I'm trying to say is that there are many types of people on Wattpad and some of them are pretty funny.