It's general knowledge that if you want to read messed-up books, Horror is the first genre you head to, and if you're like me and love disturbing books, you've been The Horror Addict at least once in your time on Wattpad. You'll find The Horror Addict searching Wattpad for the next gory and terrifying book to read, never being satisfied with books that don't contain some messed up stuff in them.
I suppose there is a desire in some people to read about horrible things, and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fascination of the unknown. The Horror Addict soon becomes numb to things that other people would find terrifying, and the books they read only intensify in gore.
The Horror Addict will eventually meet their match, and read a book that's even a bit too messed-up for them, and when that time comes they feel like they've finally accomplished something. People that love Horror will forever be spending their time explaining to people why Horror is such an amazing genre, and smirking while their friends find generic horror movies scary, knowing that they've read stuff much more disturbing.

Types Of People On Wattpad
RandomWattpad is like a dysfunctional family that seems to have a family gathering all year round... And some of them write stories. What I'm trying to say is that there are many types of people on Wattpad and some of them are pretty funny.