The Perfectionist is the type of Wattpad account that wants everything to be perfect first go round, and will stress over every mistake they make. Whenever I speak to them they are usually seeking advice about their book, but when I check out their works there are literally no mistakes in them.
These people need to chill out about their books, because at the end of the day everyone learns from their mistakes and if you make no mistakes then you'll never learn (wow am I some life guru now or what?!)
You'll usually find these people asking for editing of their books when there's no need for it, constantly redrafting their books and generally stressing out. It always makes me feel bad about my books because when I started on Wattpad I didn't care nearly enough about things such as grammar and spelling.
Types Of People On Wattpad
RandomWattpad is like a dysfunctional family that seems to have a family gathering all year round... And some of them write stories. What I'm trying to say is that there are many types of people on Wattpad and some of them are pretty funny.