Chapter seven

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Luke's P.O.V

I woke up in between Ashton and Michael, they both had their arms around me an di felt quite safe, yet I still wished that Calum was with us, I still wished he didn't have to leave and that I could see him everyday, and just know that he's okay. He said that he loved us and yes that made me slightly happy but still, he was leaving us and that hurt. I know that he probably didn't want to actually hurt us but it didn't look like he had a choice, his mum was the head of the vampire hunters and she probably just wanted to make sure that he wasn't our soulmate or even a vampire. If she found out that he was both, she would probably use him as her personal weapon and I don't think he would want that, it's my fault that he's both though, I'm the one who turned him. I'm the one who thought that it would all be okay if I turned him, not knowing that he was already a werewolf, when he hugged me, when he left then he said that he was both and that the other two knew it already.

I knew by them hiding it, that they just wanted to keep me safe. They only wanted the best for me which is why I didn't say anything.


I fell asleep again, after my little thinking session, to be woken up by Ashton. I smiled lazily up at him and kissed him softly. He hummed when we pulled away and hugged me to his chest, "Mikey's bringing us blood," he said, playing with my hair. I nodded and closed my eyes again, leaning against him. Michael came up a few minutes later, three bags of blood in his hands as he got into bed with us.

"good morning," he said softly, kissing my cheek, "morning," I said, pulling him down, on top of me. He giggled and handed Ashton and I our bags. I bit into the corner of mine, sucking up the blood, finishing the whole bag before cuddling deeper into Ashton and now Michael's embrace.

I hid my face Michael's neck, since he was still on top of me, and wrapped my arms around him.

" 's wrong Lu ?" He asked, rubbing light circles onto my stomach with his fingertips. "miss Cal," I mumbled, "I know baby, the two of us do as well, he probably feels the same way," Michael said. "can't we go find him ?" I asked, kissing Michael's neck, Ashton hummed, "yeah we can," he said. I smiled and moved my face form Michael's neck to kiss Ashton tenderly, he smiled and held Michael and I to him again.

"when can we start ?" Michael asked, kissing Ashton as well, "this weekend if you want, so we have enough time to pack and get enough blood to last us for a while," Ashton replied. I nodded and rolled over, so that I wasn't sandwiched between Michael and Ashton, instead just laying next to them, one of my arms still around Michael. Michael fell on top of Ashton and sent me a small smile, I returned it and pecked his nose, making him scrunch it up cutely. I put my head on Ashton's shoulder and closed my eyes, the first image that came to my head were Calum's dark, chocolate brown eyes and then his yellow ones, he had shown the to me the day he left.

I could hear Mikey and Ash going back in time, probably to see Ashton's mum, he really missed her and it hurt to see him cry at night but he wouldn't even let Michael comfort him so there was no way in hell that he'd let me comfort him.

The room was quiet except for our breathing, Michael and Ashton were breathing but their bodies were still as statues, even though they were moving wherever they were. I kissed Ashton's shoulder and cuddled closer to their bodies.

Soon they were moving again and I felt Michael kiss my forehead, I smiled and peeked one eye open, Michael was staring at me, a cute little grin covering his face. "what's up ?" I asked, taking his hand and lacing our fingers together. "nothing, you're just really beautiful," He replied, I giggled and kissed him softly, "thank you," I said, squeezing his hand lightly.

"my two babies," Ashton mumbled, pulling us closer, I hummed kissed his jaw, "love you," I said, nosing at his neck. "love you too," Ashton said, "love you too Lukey," Michael said. I smiled and closed my eyes again, allowing myself to drift off to sleep.

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