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--a year and a half later--

Luke rocked back and forth on his heels as he held a six month old baby Troye in his arms. He was putting the little one to sleep while Michael stood behind him, arms around Luke's waist as he hooked his chin over Luke's shoulder, gazing down at the sleepy baby. Ashton was at door, leaning on the frame as he watching the two fondly, a soft smile gracing his lips. Michael pressed a soft kiss to Luke's neck and held his waist tighter, closing his eyes. He heard Luna's quiet, slow footsteps coming closer until she was next to her father at the doorway. Ashton's smile got even bigger and he picked the two year old up, holding her in front of him for a few moments, staring into her chocolate browns orbs that stared right back. His eyes flickered to the curly, blonde hair on her head and was reminded of Calum who they hadn't seen in one and a half years. He wondered how he was or if he was even alive for that matter.

Ashton's eyes clouded with tears and he inhaled sharply, crashing Luna to his chest and cuddling her, gulping down his tears. Both Michael and Luke felt the tug at their hearts with Ashton's emotions and both of them turned to face him, watching him cuddle Luna I his arms tightly while the two year old played with his hair as she looked at him with confusion all over her face. She probably wondered why her dad was upset.

Ashton walked closer to the other two, standing next to them and making Michael reach out a hand to lace their fingers together. Ashton sighed and kissed his forehead, then leaned forward and pressed his lips to Luke's for a second or two before pulling away and allowing Luna to look at her baby brother. The doorbell rang a few seconds later and Ashton put Luna down before going down to open up, he knew that it was Pandora who had come back from her short break away from home.

She went alone while Cara and Joey stayed home. Ashton unlocked the door and held it open, he smiled but it quickly dropped and he gasped, practically launching forward. Calum was being held up by Pandora, his eyes droopy and body littered with bruises and scratches with a tired, small smile on his face. He fell into Ashton's arms as he cried into his soulmates chest. "A-ash," he whimpered out, clutching limply onto Ashton shirt. Ashton's eyes clouded with tears again and he let them fall as he held Calum close to him, holding on as if he was going to suddenly disappear within a few seconds. "Calum," Ashton whispered, trying to pick Calum up but stopping when Calum whimpered and shook his head, hissing at the pain. Ashton nodded and pulled away, well tried to, but Calum didn't let him and instead he gripped on Ashton's shirt with all the strength he had in him-which wasn't much. "Shh, it's okay baby, I've got you, I just want to pick you up so we can go see Mikey and Lukey, okay darling ?" Ashton said softly, looking as Calum who whimpered but nodded as he let Ashton pick him up bridal style.

Calum loosely wrapped his arms around Ashton's neck but his arms ached and burned so he just let them drop onto he stomach as he cried into Ashton's neck. "We missed you love, we missed you so much." Ashton mumbled as he slowly made his way up the stairs. Calum had gotten extremely light over the one and a half years. "M-missed y-you too." Calum said, his voice was hoarse and rough. "Ash, is Pandora back ?" Luke called from the room as he put a sleeping Troye into his crib. "Yeah, come see her." Ashton said, wanting Luke to come out and see Calum for himself. Luke leaned down and picked Luna up , taking Michael's hand with his free one as they walked out of the room. Luke was in front and when he spotted Ashton with Calum, he stopped dead in his tracks and his mouth dropped open, Michael followed his actions a few seconds later and Luna managed to leap from Luke's almost limp arms and run to Ashton, wrapping her arms around his legs as she peered up at the strange man in her dad's arms. "L-Luna ?" Calum croaked out, staring at the child. "Yeah, that's Luna." Ashton said, letting out a teary chuckle as he stood Calum onto his feet, still keeping his arms around Calum's waist, knowing that the boy was extremely weak. Michael slowly walked forward, pulled Luke with him as they both fell into Calum's embrace. Crying quietly as they held him and peppered him is soft kisses. "Cally," both Michael and Luke choked out as they pulled Ashton into the group hug. "Let's get you washed and fed Cal, c'mon." Ashton said, slowly guiding Calum into the bathroom and sitting him down on the counter. Pandora walked up and into the bathroom with a soft smile on her face. "So you guys like your surprise ?" She asked as she watched the other three pepper Calum in kisses and whisper sweet nothings to him as he cried, holding onto his soulmates for dear life. Luke turned to her with a huge smile spread out on his face. "Like it? We love it, thank you, thank you so much." He said through tears. Pandora smiled and nodded, walking forward and giving Luke a quick hug in response.

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