Chapter Thirteen

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*two months later*

Calum's P.O.V

I was sitting against the wall- I hadn't really moved from that place until I needed to use the toilet or get the food- when Alex opened the door again. I smiled slightly and sighed, standing up from my place. "hey," I greeted softly as he unlocked my cell door. "hi," Alex greeted back as he unlocked Michael's cell, I walked into it and picked Michael up from the floor, he completely shut himself off, he didn't do anything except stare at the wall and he ignored me when I spoke. He latched onto me and his face in my neck, kissing it softly. It was the first time in two weeks that Michael did something except stare at the wall. "you okay sweetheart ?" I asked, threading my hand through his hair. "I'm okay," Mikey replied, grazing his teeth over my neck, "guys, you've got until tomorrow, so you can take your time, I'll be somewhere in the house, just shout for me," Alex said, smiling at us before he left the basement, leaving us alone. "babe, let's go up, we can see if Ash and Lu are okay," I said, kissing his head.

"okay," Michael whispered, pulling away but taking my hand and holding it in a death grip, almost as if he was scared of me slipping away or leaving him. I walked up the stairs, with Michael trailing behind me, half of his body was pressed against my back. I took a deep breath as we reached the top of the stairs and immediately turned on my mind link, feeling Michael do the same. "Lukey ?" Michael called, standing next to me and cuddling into my side. "Mikey." Luke said, his voice was breathy and he sounded relieved almost. "Mike please talk to Ash, he's so upset and he's thinking of death and fuck Mike- please just talk to him." Luke sounded frantic as he rushed out his words, he was probably on the verge of crying. "tell him I'm here, tell him to turn his link on." Michael sounded just as frantic and worried and he was trembling in my arms. "okay." Luke said and I closed my eyes, leaning my head on top of Michael's, taking a deep breath and thinking about Ashton, wondering what made him get like this in such a short period of time. There was aligned after that and I was worried, "Luke ?" Luke hummed and I sighed, "still here love, just waiting for ash to open his room door, he's not doing anything stupid though, it's okay." He said and I licked my lips, "okay."

"Lu, I'm okay, please don't lie and say that Mikey is there." Ashton said and I exhaled. "Baby, he's not lying, I'm here my love." I said softly, leaning up to kiss Calum's cheek lightly. "Mikey ?" Ashton breathed, "yeah, I'm here love, c'mon, talk to me." I coaxed, "are you and Cal okay ?" He asked. "Yeah, we're both okay, but are you okay ?" I asked, smiling as a thank you when Alex gave us bags of fresh blood. "N-no, I'm not." He said shakily, his voice filled with raw emotion. "Babe, tell me what's wrong, c'mon sweetheart, Cal and lu can talk about their baby if you want to be alone, right loves ?" I said and both Luke and Calum hummed. "You guys can stay, it's okay." Ashton said. I gulped, "c'mon love, tell us what's wrong." I said, "I c-can't tell you guys, I c-can't tell a-anyone. I wish I could, b-but I can't." Ashton said, his voice broken, hoarse. "Shh baby, it's okay, calm down sweetheart, c'mon, I'm here, come talk to Cal and I, baby boy." I said softly, squeezing Calum's hand. Ashton sighed, "ash, please come out, come cuddle me." Like said, his voice almost whiny towards the end. I giggled softly, "go cuddle our little toddler in a twenty year old body." I said, hooking my arms around Calum's neck. "Okay." Ashton replied, "now, how are you guys ?" I asked, "we're okay, I need a doctor though, I'm in a little bit of pain." Luke said, his voice sounded a bit calmer. I hummed, "we might be able to escape today." I said with a light smile. "Wait, seriously ?" Ashton asked, he sounded the same but a tiny bit happier at the same time. "Yeah, Alex said Chloe is going to be out 'til tomorrow." I said, leaning up to kiss Calum softly. "We should go ask Alex to help us leave." Calum said and I nodded with a sigh. "Lukey, let Ash take you to the doctor while we talk to Alex." I said softly, tracing over Calum's cheeks with my fingertips. "Okay." Luke replied, I could almost hear the small smile in his voice. "Ash ?" Calum said, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers. "Yeah ?"

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