Chapter Ten

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Luke's P.O.V

"Lukey ?" that was Michael, "Mikey ?"

"I love you," Mikey said, kissing me softly, I hummed, "I love you too,"

"babies ?" Calum said, poking his head through the door, Michael hummed and wrapped his arms around my waist, leading me to the door. "c'mon, we're leaving in five loves," Calum said, taking my hand. I smiled at him and pecked his cheek, allowing him to lead us downstairs. Ashton smiled and held his arms out for Mikey and I, I smiled back at him and dragged Michael over to Ashton who engulfed us in a hug, I smiled into his neck and squeezed his waist. "good morning sweethearts," he said, ruffling my hair lightly, "morning Ash," I replied. "you ready to go ?" he asked. I hummed and nodded into his neck. "Let's get going babies," Calum said, waving us over to the kitchen where Troye was. "hey T ?" he hummed, "we're going to get going, thank you so much for letting us stay, where's Con ?" Calum asked.

"he's upstairs, in our room and your welcome, anytime," Troye said, turning around to smile at us. "is he asleep ?" Cal asked, Troye hummed, "probably,"

"okay, we won't disturb him, tell him we said bye and thank you again," Calum said, waving at Troye who hummed and said it was fine, "c'mon, let's get going then," Calum walked to the front door, holding it open for us. Calum slid his arm around my waist, alongside Michael's. I leaned into him, allowing Michael to leave my side and go to Ashton's. We walked to the start of the forest and behind a few trees before floating upward, into the luckily cloudy sky. "next stop is around six hours from here, Liam's old house, his sisters stay there, they'll let us stay," Calum said, looking at us. "okay," Ashton said, his cheek was squashed onto Michael's head and the two were cuddled up to each other, I had a feeling that the two were hoping that Michael was pregnant. 

We floated along the cloudy skies, Michael and Ashton were behind Calum and I, they occasionally bumped into us, just to say that they were still there.

Michael cuddled up to my back, "Lukey," he whispered, kissing my neck lightly. I hummed, "Mikey ?" Michael shook his head and hugged me tighter, "what's wrong love ?" I asked, taking one of his hands and intertwining our fingers. "Nothing," he said, yawning. "Mikey," I sighed, "tell me,"

"I miss my family," he said softly, putting his face in my neck. "Baby, we can go see them," I replied, "no, I don't want to see my dad and he won't allow my mum to see me or let her leave the house alone," he said, pressing another soft kiss to my neck. I bit my lip, turning to Calum and telling him to stop for a bit, he said okay and I turned around to face Michael, taking his face in my hands. Ashton leaned over and kissed Michael's temple before pulling away and going to Calum's side. "Baby, we can go see your family, I'll come with you, Cal and Ash will come with as well love," I said softly, running my thumbs over his cheekbones softly, "I don't want to do that Lu, I don't want to see him, I just want to see my mum," he said, his eyes pooling with images tears. "Loves, we gotta go, c'mon, they're behind us," Ashton called, I kissed Michaels forehead softly and pulled him away, Calum and Ashton pushed us in front and we zoomed off into the clouds once again, just missing some people from Pandora's clan by a few seconds.

I had Michael's hand in mine and had a death grip on it, trying to comfort him without holding him due to the speed that we were flying at. I heard a quiet sob fall from his mouth and I gulped, biting my lip and pulling him closer to me. We'll stop at the next stop, it's five minutes away if we keep flying like this. Calum said, okay. I replied, holding Michael's hand impossibly harder.

We flew that five minutes and descended into someone's back yard, collapsing on the ground from the impact of our landing. I could hear Michael's quiet cries now that there was no wind. I frowned and hugged him, he clung onto me like a koala, I could feel his nails digging into my back and he cried into my chest. "Baby," I cooed, running a hand up and down his back while the other one was running through his hair. "I haven't seen dad in ten years without having a fight with him, I haven't seen my mum in fifteen years, I haven't talked to her either," he said shakily, his blunt nails digging into the material of my t-shirt and then into my skin. His sobs were quiet but heart breaking and I didn't know what to do. "Mikey......" I whispered, resting my head on top of his. Ashton engulfed the two of us into a hug, he kissed my cheek and then rested his head on my shoulder, Calum did the same just on the other side. I inhaled sharply, I could feel Mikey's sorrow dully at the bottom of my heart and it was getting more and more, making me want to cry as well. I licked my chapped lips and closed my eyes, squeezing Michael tighter. Ashton kissed my forehead and ducked down, probably trying to look into Michael's eyes. Mikey let out a broken sob, pushing his face further into my chest, I sighed, I didn't know what to do, he didn't even want to let Ashton look at him, he probably wouldn't let Calum either. "C'mon, let's go inside," Calum said, it sounded like he was ready to cry as well, I looked up at him and his eyes were filled with tears, his cheeks red and he was biting his lip. I nodded and Ashton let go of us. I moved my hands down to Michaels bum and picked him up, holding him against me and allowing him to wrap his legs around my waist. I followed Calum to the back door of the house with Ashton trailing behind us. Michael moved his head up to my neck, but he still didn't allow us to see his face. He felt tiny in my arms but he was just curled up against me. Calum introduced us to whoever it was who owned the place but I wasn't paying attention, I was focusing on Michael.

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