Chapter 43- Key To Our Hearts!

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So many people around the corner, try to define the word, Love but till date none of them has been able to reach the concluding point because the more they experience it, the more speechless they are left with the gravity of it's awestruck symbolism in our lives. It's not hard to predict that when two people fall in love, everything changes between them. It's that blissful feeling which connects us to someone romantically and affectionately. An affection which is solely reserved for that special one, who might your Sweetheart, your Darling, your Honey, and your most cherished person. The profound tenderness of your hearts, can't be explained because the feeling of love is ever lasting and forever. It creates those passionate thoughts in our minds, when people miss their partners even when they have just conversed with them. That is why, from the perspective of a couple who is madly in love it is always conveyed that a hug signifies their need for the other, their kiss means that they love each other, and when the call for the other, it indicates that they miss the other so deeply that wish to hold the other in their arms every second and every minute of the day. In short, Love is the joint venture of a guy and girl, who decide to share their life together by fighting all the obstacles and hardships with ever rising spirits and strength.

Love, the mere four letter word, the enchanting connection of Aayush and Raisha's life, bound them in a way that no matter how much they stared at the other, they couldn't ever take their eyes off each other. It was no surprise that Raisha was continuously glancing at Aayush as he drove them on the outskirts of Kolkata. Like usually, he didn't revealed where he was taking her, but much to his amusement she didn't pestered him. So unlike Raisha!

"Darling, I know I am your Romeo and you are my Juliet, but staring at me like this is certainly Scarry?" He teased breaking her trance. She rolled her eyes at his statement, hitting him playfully on his biceps, making him chuckle.

"Seriously, do you ever get serious?" She asked jokingly and instead, of replying her straight away, he pulled her to himself making her rest her head on his chest, as he drove with a smile.

"In your case, never". He replied kissing her temple. She blushed hiding herself in his chest, wrapping a secure arm around his waist.

He drove in silence as she listened to the bearing of his heart which continuously said her name with the every thumping sound it made, and she couldn't help but plant a soft kiss over his blazer, as if kissing his heart for real.

"Someone is showing their rights, are they?" He teased earning a light slap on his chest, and closing her eyes, she mumbled slowly in a tired voice, "If I won't show my rights over you, then who else will do?"

"Aarushi!" He whispered with an unknown smile on his lips, making her pull back from him with a jerk. Shock plastered over her face, as she kept on looking at him, with a curious look.

"Who is Aarushi? And why will she show her rights on you?" She asked in a typical wifely tone, as her possessiveness for him kicked in hearing another girl's name from him.

"Tell me who is she?" She demanded stubbornly huffing like a child while he laughed nodding a no, making her glare at him.

"Fine, then I am not talking to you". She declared crossing her arms over her chest, while he rolled his eyes, as he drove. She kept on stealing glances at him every now and then, while he shrugged his shoulders in response enjoying her Irritation.

"Think Raisha think, who will it be? What if she takes him away from you? Noooooooooooo". Raisha mused in her head throughout then answered to her own overly thinking brain which was travelling in all the wrong directions.

She started making knots with her fingers, and Aayush halted the car somewhere but due to darkness nothing was visible on her side. She turned her attention to him with a What- are- you- upto look, and instead of replying her, he took out a red cloth from the drawer of the car, and blindfolded her, shocking her.

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