Chapter 37- Being Your Strength...

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The trauma one feels when they are subjected to the most heinous truths about themselves is inevitable. It is that phase of our human life which is unavoidable because one can surely resort to necessary precautions to protect their loved one's from facing the most brutal humiliations but the irony isn't lost that when the truths come out, it freaking hurts directly in the heart; the most sensitive organ of our body. And the most helpful yet entrusted step in this crucial phase is the support; the support of your love. Generally, when in a relationship a girl is victimized most of the partners give up on them, not because they don't love them but because they are not strong enough to fight for them or make the things right for both of them. The most important facet of a relationship is support, an infinite support between the two people who are bounded for life because they are not tied together to show their dominance but they are together due to the commitment of love, due to the compassion they have for the other and due to the connection their hearts feels when they are together or anywhere around. Thus, isn't it absolutely obvious now that if your love is in pain, your first priority is to comfort them, provide them the much needed solace which will ensure them your constant presence and trust in them.

The numbness Raisha felt in her entire body could exactly be felt by Aayush's torned expressions on his face, and a defeated look in his eyes. He had saved her from the outer humiliations but it still didn't meant that, he was able to save her from breaking down inwardly because the truth was nasty and he didn't have to think twice as to how much damage it will do to her? He was afraid of this; the current state of Raisha, it seemed to him as if she lost all her strength in that moment.

Raisha took few steps backwards, until she hit the wall and then her numb figure slid down against the wall, as she felt she no longer had any strength to even stand. Her eyes though were open but she felt blankness in them, her voice was choked in her throat while her forehead was covered in sweat. Her breathings were uneven while her heart constricted in pain inside her chest but she didn't cried.

"Morphed pictures with Sarthak!" The words kept on ringing in her ears continuously while Aayush watched her with pain. He himself felt defeated and in that moment, he just wished that it was better if he was an orphan rather than being born between heartless people who didn't have any ounce of guilt in them for the damage they were doing to someone who wasn't even asking them anything but Love. Why was it so difficult for people to understand their love?

Raisha closed her eyes, tired of looking straight at nothing in particular. She didn't wanted to say a word, nor move her body, she just wished darkness to consume her and free her from this constant pain in their life. How much more were they going to struggle? Why was this world making their union so painful? Didn't they felt any remorse for insulting a bond of a brother and sister?

She didn't realized that her tears had already started to flow from her eyes, until she felt Aayush's familiar hands wiping the sides of her eyes and then he engulfed her in his protective embrace.

Words were not needed between them anymore to convey the gravity of the hurt they were feeling in their soul, their silence also revealed them the inner turmoil they were going through. They were one of those pairs, who believed in showing their love through actions not by words because just mere words, doesn't mean that we love our partner, the greater depth arises when their actions make us feel loved.

"I never.....saw him....or anyone else....that way, Aayush. I only.....loved you...," Raisha explained after a while stuttering on her tongue as her tears flowed uncontrollably and Aayush didn't made any efforts to stop them because she needed to let it out of her chest.

"You....don't ....believe them?" She asked in a little scared tone, afraid that she might lose him forever, if ever he got a doubt on her love. He continued to stroke her back with love as she clung to him for her dear life. She knew he will never doubt her, but her insecurities were taking a toll on her rational thinking.

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