Chapter 4- The Maim Of A Heart

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Maim or popularly known as hurt, is that state of a depression where your heart cries along with your soul. Tears don't escape ones eyes because they are in that state of numbness, where nothing is making sense to them apart from the fact, that their heart is asking for some peace but they are not able to give it as they are trapped in the clutches of those societal feuds where they don't shout their pain out but they only feel it in that tiny organ which is on the left side of their body. People say crying makes you weak, but what they don't know is it is the only way a person could take out their bottled up emotions but when they don't even do that, then those heavy emotions get etched at the back of their mind forever.

Raisha was still staring in Aayush's direction only, as he made his way towards Sarthak with Sonia beside him followed by her brother Vikram, another proudy case who didn't give two hoots to anyone's feelings or emotions apart from his. Raisha gulped a lump in her throat scared that they might again say something mean to her which will break her fragile heart more.

"I thought someone said a few years back that they will never come in this house, so what changed now," Sarthak mocked Sonia while she shot daggers at him and Vikram stood up infront of him giving him an angry look which he retorted by his glare.

After the drama Sonia did with Raisha, she declared that she will never visit the Singhania House, and Aayush never forced her too, for his own reasons but seeing her today again in his house, definitely shocked him a little.

"Is it your house that you will tell us what to do and what not to do?" Vikram asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice while Aayush sighed. Sarthak and Vikram never got along well due to their differences of opinions as well as status while Aayush never left Sarthak as he was the only one aware of the true Aayush behind all this mask of Fame.

"Stop it Guys! Let the past be in past," Aayush admonished both of them before they could get into another dispute while Raisha started to leave to only be stopped by Sonia on her way.

"So Raisha I know our first meeting isn't that cool, but come on, you don't think that I will apologize a maid like you. So put the end to that hurt look and go get me fresh orange juice," Sonia said smirking while Raisha took one look at Aayush to see him looking elsewhere but not at them and sighing, she smiled a little.

"Ma'am I really don't want to go in permanent shock with a big star's apology so please don't worry on a maid's accord because we are used to people screaming at us," Raisha replied with a plain look while Sarthak controlled his laughter and the siblings shared an irritated look.

"And don't worry I will put extra ice in your juice so that your mind won't feel the hot rays of sun," she added and before Sonia could analyze her words and reply she walked off with her head held high. She didn't know from where that little bit of confidence emerged in her, but she was glad that it did.

No matter what status one belongs to, but no one has any right to abuse anyone for the work they do.

Everyone in this world wants the best for themselves but not everyone's fate is the same. Some get everything within a blink of an eye, while some have to work hard to achieve it and when they know that they are doing it, then there is no force in this world which could stop them from taking a stand for themselves. Afterall, God has also said that, "Before respecting others one should respect their ownself too, because nothing is bigger than your own dignity".

"You should really teach some manners to her," Vikram stated and this time Aayush spoke with attitude and arrogance, "I am a dancer not a teacher and when I am not able to teach you all dance in years then whom am I to teach her anything. Atleast she knows where she stands, unlike few people who don't even know that they should be available in the rehearsals too".

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