Chapter 8- A Step Ahead!

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Affection, fondness or liking are that part of our lives, which we need like anything to breathe. In the whole wide world only humans have the power to show that care and devotion to someone from the bottom of their hearts. It is not related to any status, pride or autonomy, it is related to that satisfaction which one feels on being taken care by others or that certain one, who might not be a part of their world in real sense but to be exact, they are the only ones in their lives on whom they could rely and whom they wish to protect. That empathy takes place from the deep core of the Centre of your body directly spreading in your universal organs not because you don't know how to care, but because no one has ever cared for you in that manner.

Raisha still clung to Aayush as her life dependent on that one hug, which made her feel complete, secure and free from all the sorrows and loneliness. Aayush just stood transfixed not able to digest the fact that she was hugging him, that too with so much strength as if she was scared that he will vanish in thin air like an illusion.

Her tears started cascading down her cheeks, as asked in muffled sobs, "Can't you atleast inform that you will be late? Do you even know what I was going through thinking that something...." She didn't completed the sentence while Aayush's eyes widen in realization as he understood the depth of her words.

Never for once, his own family cared for him this way, it was just they, themselves and their money. It never occurred to them that he might be wanting atleast some affection from them, while neglected, he always stayed aloof so that the harsh reality of his family won't torture him day in and day out. But today someone actually was worried for him, someone was crying for him because they were scared to lose him. It touched his heart like water is sprinkled on flowers and they start blossoming again.

Raisha opened her eyes as she didn't felt any movement in his body, and realization dawn on her and she immediately parted from him while he kept a blank look.

"What was this? How dare you hug me?" Aayush asked in a stern tone, but Raisha could tell that he was highly pissed and irritated with her, for her intentional fault.

"Did you forgot, who I am?" He asked again and Raisha's body froze hearing his rude tone, controlling her tears, she apologized, " Sorry Sir. I will heat your food".

She started to leave and just then she heard some muffled noise and not able to hold himself, Aayush burst out laughing while Raisha stared at him in shock.

"I should have behaved that way, isn't it so?"He commented still grinning widely and then controlling his grin, he added," You are so naive, Raisha. I was just teasing you". Her eyes teared up and she started crying hysterically, shocking Aayush. He wanted to lighten the atmosphere between them and here he made her cry again.

"Ohh no! Dammit!"

"Raisha, please don't cry. I am sorry. Please I didn't mean to scare you. Stop crying," he pleaded helplessly. He hated tears, especially hers. Something twisted inside him whenever he saw her crying and to be precise, the reason of her cries, were him and his family for the maximum number of times.

"Why didn't I took a training in consoling a crying girl? What should I do? Stupid Aayush, see what you did?" He cribbed mentally and finally not able to handle it anymore, he pulled her to his chest, wrapping his both arms around her fragile and slim figure.

He started rubbing her back in a comforting manner, while her cries stopped and instead she started giggling, like a school girl suddenly making him part from her. He gave her curious looks, and she raised her one brow at him with a victorious look on her face.

"Sir, what did you thought only you can tease me, can't it happen the other way round?" She asked cutely blinking her eyes at him, while his jaw dropped on the ground. First time ever, Aayush Singhania got teased by a girl! What a day!

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