Chapter Two✨

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I wake in the morning, puzzled as to why I'm on the outdated purple armchair in the living room. A knit blanket is draped over me and I stretch my arms over my head, groaning as my soar muscles relax.

And there he is, Sirius Black, laying on the couch, sleeping deeply. I definitely did not get his height. His legs fall over the edge of the loveseat and one arm falls to the floor at a bent angle. I take my blanket and lay it on him, trying to be as silent as possible.

I start the tea kettle and hear rustling from the living room as it starts to whistle. I take it off the burner and pour hot water into two mugs. I pop a green tea bag into mine, adding in honey. Sirius walks in and nods his head politely.

Part of me wants to cut the shit with the niceties. I want to get to know my FATHER. What my grandparents were like, I obviously have an uncle, the name Regulus is on a golden plaque on the bedroom that I've been sleeping in. How he knows Remus, where has he been since he escaped? I'm thirsty for more.

"Lyra, like the constellation." My father says, coming towards me. "May I?" he motions towards the second cup and steeps a bag of Earl Grey. "Did you know that my side of the family is all about the solar system. Named after constellations, after stars. Together my family covers the night sky."

"Lyra," I say, a newfound appreciation for my name. "Tara gave me your last name. I am legally a Black. I was always so curious as to why she would name me that, after a star."

We share a smile and thank my God forsaken mother. At least she gave me this.

"Andromeda, Nymphadora, Sirius, Lyra ..." I say, my thoughts trailing off.

"You know her?" Sirius asks cautiously. "Tonks?"

"She comes for meetings of the Order of the Phoenix. She checks in on me frequently along with Remus Lupin." I say. "The security in this house is pretty great."

I can see the panic in his eyes as they dart around the room. He casually leans against the kitchen counter as I sit in my usual spot at the table and asks, "Who else has paid you a visit?"

"I don't have an exact log. But Molly and Arthur Weasley, they're incredibly good people. Severus Snape. Lupin and Tonks as mentioned. Moody. Shacklebolt." I say blowing on my tea. "Tonks warned me you might be cautious of who has been here. They upped the precautions when they found me here. It's a little harder to get in here now."

Sirius backs up from the counter and nods slowly. He mutters something and runs his hand through his matted curls as I do. It's silent until he walks toward the stairs, trying to act nonchalant. I hear his foot steps go upstairs and follow him a few seconds later.

There's a loud crash and I run up the stairs, taking them two at a time. All the doors are open and he's rummaging through drawers I've never even looked through and flipping mattresses. In his rage he rips the shower curtain rod down and I'm slowly filling with panic.

Tara was the same exact way. Am i doomed to be crazy like my parents? Is Sirius mentally unstable? I should have kept my guard up. I have flashbacks to my mother's episodes where she would become the perfect mother. She would make meals for us, brush my hair, read me stories, talk to me about her childhood. In the morning I would wake to my bedroom door locked, not eating for days, crying for her, having to wet my bed.

Tears well in my eyes and I'm torn between stopping Sirius and running for my life. He is clearly unstable, I could be in danger.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I finally exclaim. "Sirius Black!"

"Where is he?!" Sirius yells, turning to me with a wild look in his eye. I can feel his eyes burning into me as I stare with my mouth open.

"Who, God, who are you talking about you psycho? Nobody lives here but me and--"


My mouth hangs open but nothing comes out because, I do not know. I can always hear him, his absence is louder than his constant muttering and banging into furniture. The broom doesn't drag across the floor, the silence is deafening. The comfort I felt in that silence a few hours ago now shakes me to my core.

We both sense the walls moving, meaning someone is here. We stare at each other and he takes his wand from his belt loop, coming toward me. I flinch and he puts his finger to his lips, shushing any noise I make.

I'm frozen, like a statue. He moves toward me slowly and Sirius motions for me to get behind me. He turns back to nod at me as we move to the top of the stairs.

For once in my life, I feel safe.

Perhaps he could be a real father.

We hear shuffling downstairs and we remain frozen. My heart is beating so hard I swear someone could hear me. The two of us, mirror images of one another, stand one in front of the other. My father.

The two of us crouch down low, looking between the rods of the banister and staying quiet.

"Lyra?" the familiar deep voice of Remus Lupin echoes through the silent house.

I breath a sigh of relief and take a step to go down the stairs. I can hear Lupin's footsteps moving down the hall as he comes closer to us.

"Lyra?!" he calls again, the sound of panic obvious.

"Sirius, he's okay." I whisper, placing my hand on his arm holding his wand. "He has been taking care of me."

"He was the one who sent me here." Sirius whispers back. "But we can't be too careful."

The footsteps stop and I peak over the edge to see Remus looking up at me.

"And what might you be doing crouched down like Kreacher?" He says, breathing a sigh of relief. "You have me bloody scared. If you are your fathers daughter I knew you would never listen to what I had to say. I was worried I would have to rush out of here."

I stand and Sirius drops his head, keeping himself concealed. He is a broken man. I hope I can fix this — we can fix this. To have my father present in my life, especially in a chaotic time like this, would mean everything to me.

"I'm sorry, Remus." I say. I push my curls out of my face, wrapping them into a knot on the top of my head.

"Well if you slept in that's fine. We are having a meeting today. Molly is bringing over cucumber tea sandwiches. I also asked her to bring in some butter beer for you to try. It's been the craze since I was a teenager. I'm sure you would actually like this stuff—"

"Oh don't fool her." Sirius says standing. His deep voice echoes through the house, cutting off Remus, and startling us both. "Everyone knows you preferred dark butter beer."

Shock crosses Lupin's face and disappears within a second. He cracks a smile and Sirius does to. Remus meets Sirius at the bottom of the stairs as they embrace in a large hug. Tears are streaming down both their faces and the front door opens again.

Nymphadora Tonks walks in, letting out a shriek of happiness

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Nymphadora Tonks walks in, letting out a shriek of happiness. Tears are flowing down her face before she even meets Sirius. He picks her up and swings her around, their happiness unconfined as they hold each other's faces and talk rapidly.

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