Chapter Seven✨

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It's been about three weeks since Sirius has returned to me. We've fallen into a routine, him and I. I even call him dad now and then. Remus and Tonks stop by almost daily and Remus helps me with spells, he was a teacher at Hogwarts last year for Defense Against the Dark Arts and he is constantly teaching me new things.

Severus and Albus Dumbledore, apparently the current headmaster at Hogwarts, have been working on getting me situated at Hogwarts with classes. I will have to take some first year courses, like the basics of wizardry and witchcraft, the history of magic, "simple things" as everyone calls them. 

I can hardly contain my excitement as time rolls on. My heart aches knowing that I will soon have to part with Sirius, but he will always be here. We have late night talks about the Black family, who they were and why he despised them. I have come to be grateful that my grandparents Walburga and Orion Black died. I even have my doubts about Regulus but Sirius' love for him runs so deep that I too love him.

Tonks has been returning home with gifts for me as well. New bedding for the mattress that I'll have there, even a real winter jacket with fur on the hood. I've been improving on my magic faster than Severus and Lupin say they have seen with a student before.

"Even though we know that your wand may hold something dark, we can assure that you will be able to fight of anything that comes your way." Moony says, I've come to appreciate his nickname.

"How is she doing?" My father says leaning against the doorframe looking at us in the great room.

"Beautifully, and I wanted to speak to you about ... maybe ... creating a Patronus for her?"

Lupin bounces on the balls of his toes and Sirius knits his brows together. "Voldemort is back, of course she is going to need one. Soon the whole wizarding world and maybe even the muggles will be surrounded by dementors." Sirius says.

"And I also wanted to ask if we could invite Professor Snape to help us out." Remus adds.

My father scoffs and rolls his eyes like a teenage boy. I smile at his childishness and he smiles back at me when he catches me looking. "I guess. Tell him to bring his chemistry set."

"It's Potions, Padfoot, maybe you could learn a thing or two from him as well." Sirius laughs as he goes up the stairs and disappears. "Well now, let me send Snape an owl..."


"Everytime I see her I cannot believe that Sirius actually procreated." Snape says to Lupin while looking at me.

"Hilarious, Severus. I forgot how funny you were while I was away at Azkaban." Sirius says entering the great room and lounging on one of the love seats. "How about you? Have you gotten any action lately?"

Severus stares straight ahead with a bored look on his face. "I am going to teach you how to create a Patronus, Miss Black."

I nod and watch his every move, listen to every word. "You are going to take every happy thought, feeling, memory and think of it and take all of that energy and focus it onto your Patronus. Now, you won't know what your Patronus is until you have completed the spell, and it will eventually go away. So, I am going to throw a spell at you--"

"Bloody hell you are!" Sirius exclaims standing.

"--and you are going to create your Patronus. Expecto Patronum, remember?"

"Expecto Patronum, yes, Severus." I say nodding.

Happy thoughts? Gosh, who even knows if I have those? Maybe the last few months that I've been here, sure. But will that be enough?

Sirius is waving his hands frantically and whispering harshly to Lupin as Snape and I raise our wands at each other.

"Crucio!" Snape yells.

At the same time I raise my wand confidently and yell, "Expecto patronum!"

The room is filled with a burst of blue light as a large animal appears in front of us. A small fawn prances around the room, the light bigger than I had originally expected. I'm so proud of myself and what I've done, I turn to my father to see if he's just as proud as he always is.

There's silence as I look at the three men in the room, all of them staring at my Patronus. The beautiful blue hue of the fawn prances around the room, the small horns bobbing with its head. The light disappears and they still stare in silence. I start to get worried.

Is Sirius disappointed in me?

"James." Sirius says.

"Prongs." Remus repeats firmly.

"How did you perform that spell?" Snape asks, stepping closer to me. "I've never seen a patronus so strong from a student who has just done it. And not raised in magic even."

"You've missed quite a lot I guess," my father says smirking. "My daughter here has an exceptional talent for --"

"It's the wand. It's Regulus' isn't it?"


"I knew it when I saw it. You let her use that? Do you know the things that have been done with that? The curses? How do you know Regulus never killed anyone?"

"Because I know my brother."

Sirius and Severus stare each other down as I start to feel the heat rise in my cheeks. I bite my lip nervously and Tonks comes up behind me. I'm still jumpy, so she rubs my shoulders to let me know she's here for me.

"James is still looking over us," Moony says. "There is something exceptional about you, Lyra, I just can't pinpoint it."

I shrug and lower my wand, Snape doing the same.

"Severus," Lupin says as Snape makes for the door. "Talk to Dumbledore for us."

"And whatever would I do that for?" He asks grimly, looking me up and down.

"So we can get her into Hogwarts sooner. And into safety." Sirius says stepping between the two of them. "For the safety of the Order."

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