Chapter Thirty-Two✨

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I wake in the morning and Tonks is already gone. I take a quick shower, throwing my hair into a bun, and pulling on some clothes that I've left in my dresser. I am extremely lucky to be back here, especially spending Christmas day with my father.

I flop down the stairs, making as much noise as I can to announce to everyone that I'm coming.

I enter the kitchen and see Draco has a bruise blossoming on his forehead, hoping that nobody has laid a hand on him and it's just from landing on the table.

They've removed his all over body ropes, not keeping him tied to a chair in the middle of the room, a plate of bacon and eggs on his lap, balancing a cup of tea on his knee. He struggles to pick it up, so I place it in his hand.

Sirius gives me an upset look, and I avoid eye contact as much as I can. I hum to myself as I prepare a cup of tea and grab an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter. I munch on it in silence. Nobody looks at anybody as Remus reads the Daily Prophet and Tonks happily eats toast with poached eggs.

"Happy Christmas, dad." I say finally breaking the silence and handing him my Christmas present to him.

He grunts a thank you but I know that he appreciates it. As Sirius rips open the wrapping paper to uncover the sketchbook I've filled for him, he allows a small smile to cross his face. I think I see tears in his eyes, but if he wants to cry he shuts it down.

"This is ... magnificent. How did you make this?" Sirius asks.

He flips through the tiny pad, taking a few moments to study each page.

"I sketched them and then colored it all, then I made a spell so the pages could move. I was inspired by Tonks and her camera."

"What is it?" Draco asks from his chair, bounded up with ropes.

"It's a story. Sirius' and my story." I reply.

"None of your bloody business is what it is." Sirius says at the same time Remus says, "Shut up would you?"

Draco nods and looks away from us, back down at his now empty breakfast plate. I'm dying from embarrassment, praying that Remus didn't tell Sirius what he saw last night. Tonks never would.

"May I?" I ask the three adults, motioning to Draco's empty plate.

"I'll get it." Tonks says standing, breaking the awkwardness.

She sets the plate in the sink, giving me a warning glance. I clean the plate in silence, putting it back in the cabinet and sitting at the table, next to Sirius, looking at the different pictures I drew.


"Tonks?" I say into the darkness.

"Yes, luv?" She replies, rolling over to face me.

"How did you know that you wanted to be with Remus?"

I can hear her smiling as she says, "I knew because he stopped caring so much around me. He was always crazy about order and hiding his werewolf self ... but then he started to loosen up. He would let me leave my underwear on the floor and throw my jacket on the kitchen counter ... and he didn't care.

"Remus asked for my help one night," Tonks continues. "When he was going to change. It was about the third month after we had been living together and he told me that the first night of the cycle was the worst. You know, Lyra, not everyone meets their soulmate the first time around. I know without a doubt in my mind I will spend the rest of my life loving Remus Lupin; whether he continues to push me away or not, I will."

"Thanks, Tonks."

"This isn't about Draco is it?" she asks.

"No, no. Of course not." I say. "It's not like that."

She leans over and kisses my cheek, pushing my curls out of my face. "You can't lie to me, Lyra."

I let out a sigh and shake my head. "I'm not lying."

"Then what are you doing with him? Yes, you've explained to me how Severus has instructed him to be your guard dog. I guess that's a smart move on his part, considering he is Death Eater turned inside informant."

"Tonks ... I took it upon myself to do this. To start this relationship with Draco. I thought that maybe, perhaps, in some way he could come to trust me, and give me information. Mention his father and what he does for work from time to time. I know that y'all are aware of most everything ... but what Draco sees within his house is completely different from what you see on the outside."

She's silent for a long while before exhaling, running her hands through his spiky hair. "You've put yourself in danger, though, luvvy."

"I know, but as a member of the Order of the Phoenix, I need to make sacrifices. It was just so easy. He would never expect it? I was almost sorted into Slytherin, I don't know if I've ever told you that. Which is another reason we spend so much time together. I feel like I'm supposed to be in that house."

"You're exactly where you need to be."

"I know."

I sigh and cross my arms over the top of my head, stretching my legs out.

"But what else are you feeling?" she whispers, almost afraid to see the words.

"I ... I think I've found a friend in him. I know he expects more from me, and for now I'll give in. When the time comes I'll shed this all like an extra skin and he'll be hurt, I'm sure. I might be too, but hopefully by that time I'll have enough friends so that I don't have to worry about it."

We lay there in silence, I can feel her eyes on me so I turn on my side and pretend to be asleep. A few minutes pass by and I can tell she's still looking at me, waiting for me to continue.

I don't.

"I think that that Fred Weasley is sweet on you." she says, jamming her finger into my rib cage.

"Oh, God!" I say covering my face and laughing. "I embarrassed myself so bad with him. He tried to teach me to dance and I thought I had it down until tonight! Please, don't say his name again or else I'll die from embarrassment just thinking about it!"

Tonks giggles with me, poking fun at how much I'm blushing. It's nice, to think about what life would be like if I hadn't grown up so fast.

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