Chapter Thirty-Eight✨

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I sit at the kitchen table with Tonks, Remus, Sirius, The Weasleys, and Severus. Fred and George sit on either side of me, the newest members of the Order. The real Mad Eye sits in the corner on a stool and we all sit in silence, looking at the little ball before us.

"So..." George says. "What are we waiting for?"

"Whenever Lyra is ready." Arthur says. "Do not feel any pressure you don't even need to view the prophecy now."

"How do I...?" I say lifting up the crystal ball.

Suddenly there is sweet voice surrounding us and it immediately mesmerizes me. The smoke inside the ball starts moving and forming shapes and I try to make a message appear with no such luck.

From the four there will be three the sweet voice says. The first a male, born on the last day of the seventh month. He will harness a great power and destroy evil, but not without the sacrifices of the other two.

The second a girl ... she will not know what is to come until she is quite older. She must ensnare a great evil and lead it into the light only to have her soul shattered. She will feel great loss and suffering and not know what she is capable of until it is too late.

The third, another male, will not know the love of parents much like the other two before him. The first and the second will raise him and he will do great things until the time comes when he must fall-- only to rise better than before.

The voice stops and the crystal figures inside stop moving. I set the ball down and look up at everyone.

"Three will come of the four?" Fred says. "That means?"

"Three will come of the four..." George mimics.

"That was me?" I ask looking up. "I'm the girl, the second child?"

"And Harry must be the first." Remus says looking at Sirius. "Last day of the seventh month, his birthday."

"But the third?" Tonks says looking at the two of them. "And who is the four?"

"To hell if I know." My father says rubbing his forehead. "How did you find this, Arthur?"

"I was ... actually, you don't want to know." He says. "I was somewhere where I shouldn't have been, let's leave it at that."

"Wicked!" The twins say in unison.


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"Well ... if we don't know who the four are ... or who the third boy is..." I say pausing. "Then how are we supposed to understand any of this?"

"The four..." Remus says slowly, his eyes growing misty. "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. That's us, Sirius. The Marauders. And three will come from us--"

"--Harry from James--" my father says standing to face Remus.

"--Lyra from you--"

"--and one from either you or Pettigrew--"

"--our children are a prophecy--"

"--we need to figure this out--"

"Could you two stop for a minute?" Tonks says. "Are you saying ... Harry, Lyra, and an unborn child from either Remus or Peter is going to complete a prophecy and quite possibly hold the key to helping defeat Voldemort?"

"That sounds exactly right." Severus says. "Of course it was you four. You always had the spotlight."

"Shut up, Severus." Sirius says bluntly. "Why don't you go play with--"

"You chemistry set, yes, I know, Black. All these years and you have yet to come up with another insult."

"Oh I can think of quite a few but there are ladies in the room..."

I'm important? Harry and I can defeat Voldemort? Together?

Who is the third child?


I look up at her and then at Remus. "You have to have a baby." I say suddenly.

"What?" Molly says.

"No, Lyra, please don't encourage this." Remus says rubbing his forehead.

"No really. I've heard enough about Peter Pettigrew to know that he will never have a child and that leaves you, Remus. And ...well... Tonks of course."

"You can't deny it now, Remus." Tonks says standing behind him and playing with his hair.

"I've told you before, Tonks. It's no. I am far too old for you and you need someone who doesn't have my ... condition." He says to her.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"Oh, Lupin. Don't be that way. We all know the way you two feel about each other." Molly Weasley says bustling in the kitchen.

"I can't do that to you, Nymphadora." Remus says firmly.

"And I can't let you win this time, Lupin."  She says matching his tone.

"Why don't you just make the commitment?" Arthur adds.

"I'm sorry, I don't--" I add.

"A wedding would cheer us all up." My father adds.

"A wedding?" The twins ask.

Fred, George, and I all share a puzzled look and Mad Eye grunts in the corner, laughing to himself.

"Tonks can have anyone she wants in the world why are you all insisting on it being me?" Remus says suddenly, standing and knocking over his chair. "I am old I cannot give her a happy life! I cannot make it so that she can have everything she wants I am old and I am poor and I--"

"And I do not care about any of that do you hear me, Remus Lupin?!" Tonks exclaims loudly, shocking us all. "I love you Remus and if you do not love me then why have you been wasting your time on me? And if you me...then why don't you marry me?"

The two stare at each other as silence surrounds us.

"Fine." He says.

Sirius laughs and claps his hands and stands giving them both giant hugs. Tonks starts crying and laughing and Remus kisses her long and hard. The Weasleys do a small dance together and the twins and I stare at each other.

"I don't know what just happened..." I say turning to them.

"Me neither." Fred says. "But maybe we should kiss too?"

My cheeks burn and Tonks gives me a wink, reminding me of all those months ago. 

Please stop, you're embarrassing me!

"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea to me ..." George says, making mocking kissing noises.

"Oh, kill me now." I say, hiding my face in my hands.

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