Chapter Six✨

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"Start with the basics....Wingardium Leviosa." Tonks says placing a pot on the table in front of me. "Remember this one?It just makes the object float, it's a simple spell and you've seen me do a hundred times ... don't be nervous."

I nod but in my head I'm screaming. I'm not very experienced with my wand just yet, and if I can't do this in front of Sirius I might die from embarrassment.

I lift my wand and point it at the pot. "Wingardium leviosa."

The pot suddenly lifts itself from the table and floats before me. I raise my wand with its height and Sirius swears.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask panicking.

"I bloody knew it." My father says, pride filling his face. "So early on in your studies and she can already do this? She's a natural ... she will ... she will be extraordinary at Hogwarts."

"Padfoot, calm down." Remus says coming to his side. "You can't take all the credit here."

"Someone tell me what I should do I doing it right?" I ask frantically.

"You did beautifully luv!" Tonks says clapping.

"Are you sure we shouldn't keep her with the Order, we could keep her safe." Sirius says, doing a complete 180. "I can teach her, raise her to know what she was capable of. It's not like I can leave the house anyway."

"Are ... we sure her magic isn't ... damned ..." Severus says from the hallway. Molly Weasley bustles into the kitchen with her wild hair and a concerned look on her face.

"Come around, eat up." she says. "Lyra, come here let me look at you."

Molly makes her way over to me and places both hands on my cheeks. She pushes my hair back and inspects me for any bruises, even though they healed forever ago. She kisses both my cheeks and I feel warm inside. What I would give to have her as my mother. She has a daughter named Ginny that I've never met, but I envy her to all costs.

"What do you mean by my magic being damned?" I ask, swallowing.

Molly squeezes my cheeks and gives Severus a dark look.

"Have you told her nothing, Sirius?" Severus says agitatedly.

"In case you were unaware, Snivvelus, I have been in Azkaban for the past 12 years." My father says through gritted teeth, his eyes locked on him, full of hatred.

"No," Remus says looking at me seriously.

Sirius looks up at him as well as I and Tonks and he runs a hand through his hair.

"As dangerous as Regulus' wand is, it seems it has chosen her. And if Kreacher was being truthful, then Regulus intended for someone in this family to have it. And although it possesses dark only get one wand." he continues.

We all stare at the piece of wood in my hands that apparently holds so much power.

"We've all got both light and dark inside of us." My father starts. "What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."

My father runs his hand down the back of my hair and smiles at me. I smile back, knowing that his kind words are meant to make me feel better. But I want to go to Hogwarts so bad, I want to meet Harry Potter and start to work on my magic. I know that I can do this.

I turn slightly, pointing my wand at Sirius. Wingardium Leviosa. He lifts off the ground and shock covers his face, then he starts laughing.

Sirius HAS to let me go to Hogwarts now. The potential to grow there and join the Order in a few months, as Tonks and Remus discussed with me.

"Definitely your child." Remus says laughing.

I set Sirius down and he envelopes me in a giant bear hug. My first hug from my father. Severus looks bored while Molly is chirping at us to start eating, seeing as I have a lot to prepare for going to Hogwarts for the first time.

She is chatting my ear off about how all of her children go there and she has instructed her older twins, Fred and George, to look after me because she knows that Hermione and Ron are always getting into some sort of trouble with Harry. She goes on and on about how they once stole a blue flying car and crashed it into a tempermental tree on the Hogwarts grounds.

I listen to Molly chat with me about how Arthur has been pestering her to come back and ask me all sorts of questions about muggle things and how a yo yo works, how he absolutely HAS to have me show him how it works. All the while I'm locking eyes with Sirius, my father, the greatest man I've ever known, and how in few short hours I have come to love him more than anyone else in this entire world.

Sirius raises his glass to me and I raise mine, we cheers from across the table and Tonks' camera goes off once more. I would roll my eyes at her antics, but this first day together with my father is truly unforgettable. For the rest of my life I will have him by my side.

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