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Days later, the Order of the Phoenix sits at the kitchen table at 12 Grimmauld place as Sirius fills them in on the prophecy. Arthur quickly returned the crystal ball before anyone questioned it, so as far as we know we are still safe. Kreacher bumps into things all over the kitchen mumbling as usual and I look down at my lap.

Everyone makes plans to meet here again at the next safest time and then they all disperse throughout the night. Remus stays behind after giving Tonks a kiss goodbye and she leaves.

"We have to talk to you about something serious, Lyra." Remus says.

"I did not think of this." Sirius says coldly. "In fact I disagree but some members who are involved with this idea thought it was for the best."

"What's going on?" I ask nervously.

"We need you to do something for us, for the Order of the Phoenix." Remus says. "We need you to go to Malfoy Manor."

"Ha!" I burst. I laugh a little before I quiet suddenly and look at my father and my godfather. "Seriously?"


"Why? Why the fuck would you send me there?"

"According to Severus, the Malfoy boy is still smitten with you. Since Lucius is Voldemort's right hand, we need you to be there. We have inside sources that tell us the Death Eaters have been living there for days at a time and that Voldemort is there for meetings. Severus says that if someone other than himself can be there, then it would be beneficial to the Order."

"I'm not." I say firmly. "Are you being serious right now? After everything I just went through this past year? Do you know how mentally exhausting that was? I'd rather go to Azkaban than there."

"Just for the summer, darling." Sirius says sitting next to me and taking my hands in his. "You don't need to do anything you aren't comfortable with and if he even lays a finger on you he is dead."

"Calm down, Padfoot." Remus says. "Lyra, we aren't asking for you to marry him or anything, we just need you to live there. Tell us what the Death Eaters are doing, who they are and when they are there. But please, stay clear of Voldemort. Will you do this for us?"

"I made a promise to myself and to Cedric that I would live my life." I whisper, my head in my hands. "I left that girl at Hogwarts. She died with him. I can't keep doing this." I look up at them and grind my jaw together. "I will not keep doing this. I will not dishonor my best friend in this way." I sigh. "Promise me this is it. Promise me I will not end up like Severus, that you will not make me become a Death Eater."

"We would never--" Remus starts.

"You would. Maybe not you personally, but the Order would. I won't do this until I get a promise. I want a signed contract from everyone. Tonks, Kingsley, Moody, every Weasley. You will do this." I stand up and face them calmly, even though the blood is pounding in my head, my black eyes finally healed from Fenrir. "I can't do this to him."

My godfather grabs me first, knowing what is coming next. The tears flow from me in cathartic waves, the thought of Cedric in the cold ground while I'm parading around with a boy he hated makes it so much worse. 

"Shh, shh," Remus says. "It's okay, Lyra. He knew how much you loved him. It's alright, my girl, I promise this will be it. No more after this. You won't become a Death Eater, I promise you." 

Between racking sobs I hear feet stomping up the stairs, ending in a bedroom door being slammed, and furniture cracking above us. 


I clutch Draco Malfoy's letter in response to mine, the paper wrinkling beneath it. 

Dear Lyra,

Of course you can stay with us. We only have a short amount of time until summer is over but that won't be a problem. I will have a room made up for you and will you meet you wherever you want.

I cannot wait to see you.


The Malfoy family crest is at the bottom of the letter.

My suitcase beside me, I adjust my rain jacket once more. 

"If you ever want to come home remember to just do it. If you need help getting somewhere quickly just apparate. We have insiders at the Ministry who are deleting your underage magic records." Sirius says for the hundredth time. "Be careful, Lyra. This isn't a game."

"Always." I say hugging him.

"I think it's time."

I sigh and nod. He gives me the usual forehead kiss and I stare at him until I feel myself slipping away, starting to apparate for the first time in months.

At the last minute a door bangs open and Tonks flies in yelling, "Lyra, luvvy, don't go please!"

I see Remus grab her and hold her back as she reaches for me and then I am standing before a long gravel driveway. I take a deep breath and start walking down the path. Large trees grow on either side of me, and I wonder where the closest house is to here. Where the closest store is.

I make it down the driveway and stand before the large stairs that will take me to the front door.

To my first official mission as an Order member.

I lift my hand and hesitate before knocking.

I close my eyes and imagine Cedric before me. He would say,  you're so strong. You can do this. When it is all over, the Ministry will be begging you to work for them. I would say, What if I just want a muggle job? He would reply, Well, when I take my fathers position at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, I'll need someone to see at work everyday. Why not my best friend? 

His face washes away from me and I gulp down tears, finally letting my fist fall with the golden knocker. The door opens immediately, as if he was waiting for me. 

"Lyra," he breathes. "I was surprised to hear from you, considering." I don't reply, I can't, it would be a betrayal. Draco just shakes his white blonde head. "Anyway ... welcome to Malfoy Manor."

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