Chapter Seventeen✨

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I search for Draco amongst the Slytherins avidly chatting around me, but can't find him anywhere. The chilly November air makes me shiver and I nod and smile at whatever the students around me are saying, trying to act engaged as my ears still ring from Harry. I clutch my Gryffindor sweater tighter on me and silently curse myself for not wearing wool tights instead of nylons. My boots make crunching noises as I step on leaves the most beautiful colors.

I love the outdoors, it's a new experience for me. I'm looking up at the trees when I bump into someone for the hundredth time since I have been here.

"I am so sorry I have been doing this -- oh, Draco." I say looking up.

"Don't touch me," he spits looking over my shoulder at the two boys and Pansy. "You have dirty blood running through your veins."

I make a face of disgust at him and step back. "Excuse me?"

"Draco, she's cool." Pansy says. "You know better than all of us, with all of your private little lessons."

Draco scuffs and glares at me.

I glare back and raise an eyebrow.

"What? You have to act tough in front of your little friends because a half blood kicked your ass?" All my anger from before wells up inside me. "Or because you liked it?"

His eyes grow wide and he looks at me as if he's pleading for me to stop. Draco really wants me to let him walk all over me. To let him embarrass me in front of everyone. "You didn't beat me, you half breed." 

"Then let's duel. Show everyone how much I've learned."

Draco grinds his jaw in irritation."Dueling is forbidden for students." He casts a look over his shoulder before turning back to me with gritted teeth. "Black ..." 

The other students around us are silent until Pansy steps forward and says, "Come on Draco. If you think you're so much better." She smirks. "Do it for the Dark Lord."

A few people laugh, I nervously laugh along with them. Is this some kind of sick joke between them? Or are they all as brain washed as the Malfoys are.

I shake my head and start to say that I object to fight in the name of Voldemort when Crabbe and Goyle start pressuring him. Suddenly more students from other houses are around us and Fred and George come up behind me.

"This may not be the best of ideas." Fred says, I can hear the worry in his voice. He runs his hand through my hair, knowing it pisses me off because of how easily my hair tangles. I punch his chest and he fakes hurt. "I know he's your teacher and all, but he's not the best person. The Malfoys are notorious for dark magic."

"He does have quite a bit of experience on you." George adds.

"Wow, I can't thank you enough for the support, now can I?" I say sarcastically, punching Freds chest again. "But ... I think I've got this. Malfoy has been training me, I know what he's like. What he does, what he doesn't do. And if this gets him off my ass ..."

"You're quite the detective." Fred says nudging me back. "Sherlock Holmes would be proud. Training to be an Auror?"

"I would watch out before I start on you next. Learn all your weak spots and use them against you to kick your ass." 

Fred opens his mouth to say something, probably a smart comment, but is cut off by Cedric who interrupts them. "Lyra, what's going on?"

"Uh-oh, someone is in trouble ..." George sings, elbowing his brother as they part for the fifth year Hufflepuff moving our way.

"Nothing, Ced." I try to feign a fake smile, but I can tell he can see right through it because he spreads his feet and crosses his arms. I give up smiling and run a hand through my wracked hair. "I am so sick of fake people. Fake nice, fake friends, fake life. He acts like he's my friend, I would even call him a friend ... and then ..."

"He? You're talking about Malfoy? Lyra think about what you are doing, you could get into serious trouble. All the work that we've put into catching you up would be for nothing if you got caught. He is nothing, I've been trying to tell you--"  

"I understand. Stop patronizing, I get it. I just ... for once I would like to prove to everyone that I deserve to be here. I hear what they mutter in the halls, even your own friends have something to say about me. But they aren't going to change and he--" I point to Malfoy across the yard "-- isn't going to stop with the bullying if I don't do anything."


"It'll all be okay." I say squeezing his hand. "Luv."

Cedric lets out an annoyed breath and shakes his head, now running his own hand through his hair. The Weasley twins bounce between the two of us, waiting for one of us to speak next. Their concern in evident in their matching scrunched eyebrows. Maybe another time, we could all be friends. But for now, I have more important things to do, so I straighten my spine and offer them a small smile, hoping for words of encouragement but getting none. 

"Lyra," George says, grabbing my bicep as I turn. "Kick his ass." 

With that small bit of courage, I turn to face the Slytherins standing before me, pulling my wand from my boot. "So what does the winner get?"

"What do you want?" Draco asks walking toward me.

I meet him halfway and say, "Stop with the sly remarks. You know you're no better than any one of us, you're just too scared to admit it. You'll leave all muggle born witches and wizards, and all half bloods ALONE. You'll stop talking shit period."

He smirks and pretends to yawn. "That's all?" I nod and he turns to the circle around us and spreads his arms. "If I win, Lyra Black has to go to the Yule Ball."

There are some snickers and I look around confused. "Yule Ball?" I ask confused.

"With me." Draco adds.

"Fuck that." I say, laughing to myself.

As if he couldn't hurt me more, he chooses public humiliation. I've seen Carrie, I know what they did to her, and I wouldn't put it past him to have his own bucket of pigs blood waiting for me. I can see it now, walking into the Great Hall while Malfoy and his friends stand in their little posse, waiting for me to walk right into their trap. Maybe he would even ask me to dance first to catch me off guard. 

"Filthy muggle mouth." He mutters. He leans toward me and whispers, "We duel my way."

"Hey hey hey! What is happening!" Mad Eye yells walking into the middle of the circle. "Black? Malfoy? Care to explain at all?"

"Professor, please, tell them that this is forbidden." Cedric says hurriedly.

"Forbidden?" Moody grunts. He walks over to me and says, "What are you doing?"

"Dueling. I'm putting him in his place."

He smirks and says, "Just like your father would."

I smile and straighten up, feeling proud that this is something he would do.

"Well," Moody barks, walking out of the line of fire and taking a stand next to Cedric. "Continue on."

Cedric talks in a hushed voice to Moody, trying to plead his case. Mad Eye just licks his lips as his neck twitches. I face Draco once more and say, "Keep your promise, Malfoy. It won't be pretty for you if you try to cross me up."

He mutters something I can't hear and we both raise our wands.

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