Chapter Fourteen✨

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I make Draco walk down the hall, away from the entrance to the common room. Last thing I need is to give him easier access to the dorms. There's fewer people left in the common room and I keep my head down, not bothering to look at any of them this time.

Once in my room I throw a few books on Potions and Charms into my book bag along with some pens, pencils, a large notebook, and the Book of Black. I store my cosmetics bag in my nighstand and fold up my pajamas on my trunk. I make my bed and look out into the dreary sky, wondering what Sirius is doing.

Remus told me I probably wouldn't be having contact with him for a while. Once the Ministry of Magic became aware that I was here and attending Hogwarts, they might monitor my owls, read all my mail. He even warned me that some people might come to speak to me.

I remember crying that whole night. Tonks tried to soothe me but I wouldn't let her, the pain of leaving my father, her, Remus, it was all too much. Not knowing the next time I would be able to see them all hurt my heart, but not being able to contact them shattered me.

I snap out of my trance and throw my Gryffindor robes onto a hanger and stuff them in the armoire I share with Hermione. I take out my half up hair and hold my hair tie in my mouth as I walk down the stairs, through the common room, and out into the hallway.

I'm wrestling with my hair, trying to comb through the stragglers and get my hair up into a bun. I see Draco halfway down the hallway and he clears his throat and looks away, trying to act like he wasn't staring at me. 

I think this might work, Draco and I together. He's young, impressionable obviously. I can also just tell by the sheer cockiness of both him and his father that he's spoiled rich, so he's used to getting his way. I will have to make room somewhere in my notebook to take notes on him, anything that may help.

"So," I say, pulling some curls down to frame my face. "What shall we do?"

"Well every Saturday we usually get a free day. That starts in your third year because they assume you have enough accountability by then. I'm not sure how that will be working for you though." his tone completely changes from a complete pompous asshole to an actual human being.

"Yeah, I haven't really talked to anyone yet."

"Have you had butterbeer yet?"

I shake my head no and he grins. "Your first cup will be on me, how's that?"

Draco starts moving towards the stairs and I follow him in silence. Being around him to get information for the Order? I can do. Possibly milking out a few spells to better myself, I can also do. Spending Saturdays out in Hogsmeade with him? Never.

I'm zoning off, looking up at all the pictures on the walls, mesmerized by the chatter and the way they move from one frame to the other. There's a prefect guiding first years around on a staircase moving next to us. They must look as frightened as I am.

Draco is staring at me, and in the moment I realize something: I'm new, I'm exciting. I can weave an intricate tale of how I don't know my father, how I want to get to meet Voldemort ... this could work in my favor.

"What are you looking at?" I say, turning to him and leaning against the banner of the moving stairs.

His manner completely changes again. Malfoy is back to being what I can only assume to be the usual attitude of the Draco Malfoy.

"Well, I mean, how could I not stare at you?"

My heart starts beating rapidly and my mouth parts. I suck in air and can't believe he's just said that to me.

"Could you look any more like that blood traitor?" he finishes.

My heart is still pounding but I scoff and roll my eyes. This is going to be harder than I thought. Maybe in another world, Draco and I could be friends. I can tell we're alike — stubborn, our way or the highway, that sort of thing.

"Hello, Lyra!" a familiar brown headed boy says happily.

"Hey, Cedric." I throw up my hand in a wave and cast a glance over to Malfoy. He exchanges dirty looks between the two of us, so I throw my shoulder out and ignore him. "How were the first years?"

"I'm actually heading back to my common room to meet up with some friends, just dropped them off at the library for the day. I've just entered the Tri Wizard Tournament last night. Isn't that exciting?"

"I ... think it would be more exciting if I grew up knowing what that was, what do you think?"

"Ah, you Americans. I'm sure Ilvermorny believes they're too good to compete with those across the pond."

"I also don't know what that is, Cedric, but I will look into it so that we stop having conversations like these, what do you think?"

He tilts his head back and laughs, Draco lets out an annoyed sigh and steps closer to the dining hall.

"Would you like to join me for the day?" Cedric asks. "You can meet some of my friends, they're good people you know. I don't surround myself with people who think they're better than everyone else."

Draco scuffs and says, "Doesn't that sound like you think you're better than me."

"Ignore him." I say, casting Draco a dirty look. "Severus -- Professor Snape I mean, has instructed him to be my ball and chain."

"Flattered." Draco mutters.

"Flattery doesn't become you."

The three of us stand in awkward silence until Cedric lets out a deep breath and nods at me. "Well, if you need anything, feel free to reach out. And once you're ready to get on a broom, I can show you a few things."

That Godforsaken blush creeps up my cheeks as he kisses my hand again and walks away, crunching into an apple.

"Flirt much?" Draco says.

"Oh, please." I respond. He moves towards the Slytherin table and I follow.

"Don't get too flattered, luv, all the girls want him. Even more than Potter I would say."

I ignore his jibe and sit across from him at the long table, everyone in the hall staring at us.

"And by the way, you might want to work on that blushing thing." he adds. "I mean, it's cute and all, but a broom is a method of travel ..."

"Oh, SHUT UP!" I say, throwing a pen at him.

He ducks and we laugh together. This might be easier than I thought.

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