Chapter Three✨

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I lay in my bed staring out the window at nothing, listening to the shuffling of who I can only assume to be the three of them. Occasionally I can hear Sirius' roaring laughter, Tonks' high pitched squeal, and the clinking of glasses. I move my hand back and forth, causing the curtains to open and close. My mother used to hit me senseless when I would do this. I learned at a young age not to let anything float around in the house.

How Tara could keep this from me my whole life amazes me. She couldn't help it, she was sick. I can't blame her too much. But as much resentment I had towards Sirius in my early teens is magnified when I think about the hurt that my mother has inflicted on me.

I make my way down the stairs, my footsteps silenced by everyones voices. They're discussing the murder of a old gardener who they believe was murdered by who they believe to be Death Eaters. They have tossed around the name Voldemort a few times. I try to take everything in and make mental notes but they are constantly kicking me out.

They tell me I am too young to be listening to certain orders of business. If only they knew what I've been through. Or how silently I can make it up and down the stairs after they've drank a bottle or two of fire whiskey.

"Lyra." Remus says smiling as I enter the kitchen. I had almost begun to think that he was my father when I first arrived here. He was so kind, and I did not know that someone could be this kind hearted.

"Hey luv." Tonks says over Sirius' shoulder. "How do you like this old brute? A good ol chap don't you think so?"

I nod slowly and she smiles, closing her eyes again. Sirius pulls away and looks at all of us while trying to wipe away tears.

"Never thought I would see you all again," Siriussays, clearing his throat. "All I ever thought about was Harry to be honest. I knew I would have to make reparations. I knew what you all thought of me. That I had sold out my best friend and murdered all those people. I have spent over a decade praying they would release me."

My smile fades as he says this. I may not know a lot about what has been going on, how the world works here in the mysterious world of wizardry. But I do know that Harry, Harry Potter, is the most important person in this world. Sirius immediately looks at me and his eyes grow wide, A sad look crosses his face and his eyes drop to the floor.

The Weasley's haven't arrived yet, so I make my way to the outdated cabinets and reach inside for a can of tuna, some pasta, and make us some lunch. I make a simple tuna mac salad and as usual, Tonks and Remus are apprehensive to try my creation. As an American, there seems to be a big difference between my food and theirs. Meat pie? An atrocity in my book.

Like the early hours of this morning, Sirius inhales his food and goes for more. He has worked on his self control and now doesn't cause a mess all over the table and floor. He doesn't complain and whether it's because he knew my mother was an American or that he has been locked away in unimaginable conditions for the last 13 years doesn't matter to me. My father enjoys the food that I made.

That makes me warm inside.

The three of them continue discussing the current events and what they think happened to that poor old man. I do the dishes as Kreacher is still missing from this morning.

They move on to discuss Harry Potter and his whereabouts. He is staying at the Weasley's home for the summer, what they call the Burrow, with the hundred Weasley children. He was set to go to a big quidditch match -- quidditch may be harder to understand than magic -- when Death Eaters appeared.

I sit silently on the bench against the wall, not even daring to reach for my water in the fear that they might tell me to leave the room. Sirius looks over at me a few times, worry crossing his face. From what I understand Harry was staying with four of the Weasley's, Arthur -- God bless that mans heart, he is obsessed with the muggle world -- and his two best friends whose names I can't remember for the life of me. I was thrown into this crazy world and the only people who I have come to be connected to are Tonks and Lupin.

"So you're telling me that during a large quidditch match, with thousands of wizards and witches there," Sirius says, pouring some dark butter beer into his mug. "That Harry was almost killed?"

"We don't even know how it happened. The minister was there, we thought for sure that Harry would be safe." Tonks replies. "From what Arthur has told us the match was over and they were all in their tent when they hurt screaming from outside. Arthur tried to rush them out and get to the portkey in time but ..."

"It was absolute madness, Padfoot." Remus says, his face turning dark. He stares off into space for a moment before continuing on. "They were separated. There was fire everywhere. We still don't know for 100% certain that Voldemort was there. Arthur told us that they couldn't find Harry anywhere, he had been trampled and passed out. When he woke the dark mark was burning bright green in the sky and the only person he could see was a mysterious dark figure.

"What he did say was that Bartemus Crouch almost attacked the children, Ron, Hermione, and Harry, after seeing the mark in the sky"

"Harry didn't see the mans face?" Sirius asks.

"Unfortunately no."

"And we are sending him to Hogwarts, correct?"

"It's the safest place for him." Tonks says, nodding. "And the safest for Lyra, as well. We have to discuss this. All of us."

"You're going to take her from me?" Sirius says. There's a note of something in his voice. Is that concern? Fatherly concern for me? "I only just got her back. You know what it was like when Tara took her from me. We only just met hours ago."

"Sirius." Remus says strictly.

A look of understanding passes between the two of them and Sirius pushes himself away from the table, going upstairs. A moment of silence passes between the three of us left, and Tonks nods at me. I wait a few moments before following Sirius upstairs.

For once, my parent wants me.

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