Chapter Twenty- Six✨

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I'm stewing with anger as I clean myself up in the bathroom attached to the bedroom and throw on some pajamas that I've kept here. I climb into the bed before realizing that I'm not tired. On the contrary, I'm pretty wired up. I get up and walk around the room again, looking at the pictures and furniture.

After I've done my rounds on my bedroom I go out into the hall. I hear Sirius and Lupin speaking somewhere downstairs, Tonks has probably gone home right about now. I make my way up the small set of stairs to the 3rd floor where my grandparents Walburga and Orion Black would have lived.

I have only ventured up here a few times, knowing their cruelty steered me away from their bedroom. I've been in there a few times, but only to soothe my curiosity. Much like Regulus and Sirius' bedrooms theirs is preserved.

It's almost like the Black family never left. 

I'm walking around the room, looking at the family portraits, the Slytherin artwork, the Black symbols. They've cut out Sirius' face on one of the portraits. I sigh, his life hasn't been easy. And now he has to deal with his selfish bratty daughter who he probably never wanted.

I open the large armoire, my curiosity getting the best of me. Moths fly out from between the racks of clothes. Tons and tons of clothes. The colors are amazing, preserved like they haven't aged. There are green and silver robes stashed amongst the endless piles of black, with green dresses and shirts and silver jewelry that probably cost a fortune for their time.

I step inside the armoire and it seems to grow bigger as I venture more deeply inside, the clothes getting more exquisite as I walk. I come across gowns and immediately think that I could wear one to the Yule Ball until I realize-- Sirius told me I couldn't.

He doesn't own you. A voice whispers in my head. Nobody does.

I whip out my wand and turn in a full circle, trying to look for the source of the voice. I see and hear nothing more, so I run my fingers over the dresses. When I come across some shoes I get excited and try some on.

When I was younger Tara would allow me to put on her heels from time to time. But not too often, she said she needed them for work. She would leave late at night dressed in cocktail dresses, heels, her hair done and lipstick perfect. I remember wanting to be her, wanting to follow her around.

It took me until I was explaining to Tonks what she did for a living to realize she wasn't a cocktail waitress like she had told me, but an escort. I shouldn't be too hard on my mother, the sacrifices she made to make sure she could afford home schooling supplies, occasionally she would buy me a book.

I grab a pair of blood red heels from the shelf, sighing. They seem to fit perfectly, nothing like being 7 years old and attempting to put on my mothers size 6. I attempt to walk around in them, stumbling like crazy and falling over a few times.

After giving up with the heels and placing them back, I'm now too captivated to go back to bed. How could I when I'm having so much fun? I'm walking around the armoire, amazed at all the beauty that's been locked away here for years.

I see an ornate box with jewels on it, so I open it, revealing layers and layers and jewelry. I pick up a few necklaces before I see a small green box that entices me. I open it up and a small note made of old crumbling paper is on top, it reads, To my beloved on the day the Dark Lord will reach his victory.

I remove the piece of paper and pick up the ring. It's in the shape of what I've learned to be the Dark Mark. My breath catches, looking at the skull with the snake coming from its mouth.

Take it ... take it all ... You bow to no man. 

I hear the voice again but don't bother looking for the source, knowing it is just my inner monologue being pissed off at Sirius.

It's Walburga, you stupid girl.

I suck in a breath but try to remain calm. I put the ring back into the box with the note on top and slip it back into the jewelry box. Goosebumps cover my arms. I never put much thought into ghosts, spirits, whatever they may be. Seeing the ghosts at Hogwarts has really opened my eyes.

There's so much I don't know.

I pass by the dresses again and one in particular catches my eye. It's made of all silver material with gems covering the whole top and dripping from the bottom. There is a large slit extending up the side, I'm captivated by its beauty.

It's absolutely gorgeous.

I reach out to touch it before I stop myself, afraid that my dead grandmother will speak to me again if she knows I want this dress. I put it back on the rod and run my hand over it one last time before I leave the armoire and close the doors behind me.

I creep my way back to my bedroom, unlocking the door and getting into bed. I lay there for a while before starting my fire up again. I'm sitting in front of it, my knit blanket from Molly Weasley clutched around me.

The words between my father and I hang around me. I'm embarrassed. How could I speak to him the way I did, after all the sacrifices he's made for me. I go into our joint bathroom and knock on the door.

Sirius says come in, and I open the door slowly. He's laid out on his couch, facing his roaring fire. My fathers room is so much warmer, comfortable, it's like stepping into his heart.Seeing him makes my sadness from earlier bubble over, as I remember everything I've said to him since this afternoon. I start to sob and he wraps me in a giant hug which I gratefully accept.

"I know that you're not my mom," I say in between deep gasps. "But can I sleep with you tonight?"

He mutters a yes into my hair and I cry more until I feel myself drift off to sleep.


When I wake in the morning, my neck is killing me from sleeping on the couch. A quick look at Sirius confirms he'll have it much worse than I, his head hanging off the back with no support. I slowly lift my head from the pillow on his lap and slowly creep into the bathroom, washing up as quickly and silently as I can. I'm walking out after tidying up my room when someone catches my eye and makes me stop dead in my tracks. 

The silver dress from last night is on the chair where I sat talking to Dumbledore. A pair of green shoes I hobbled around in and the small box that I assume holds the Dark Mark ring is on top of the arm of the chair and I stare at it.

After a few moments I walk over and run my hands over it.

Take it. Walburga says to me.

So take it I do.

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