Chapter Twenty-Three✨

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I spend the next few weeks trying to see Draco, but failing. He seems to have blocked me out of his life completely, and every time I do catch him, he seems to disappear. I'm so frustrated, these games be plays. He makes me believe that I've got him under my thumb then he just slithers away, avoiding me, leaving me with nothing to report on. Eating out of my hand hasn't necessarily been going my way, but I continue to keep trying, continue to keep writing his behaviors in my notebook. 

I keep myself busy by trying to master the art of Apparition, which I am getting quite good at. This skill comes increasingly handy when I see Cedric and have nowhere to go, I can get away easy. Normally you wouldn't be able to apparate on Hogwarts grounds, but if you have someone at the Ministry destroying your underage magic records, and a little bit of extra magic, you can do it. 

I also spend the next few weeks avoiding Cedric just as hard as Draco avoids me. Since the night when Cedric kissed me, and McGonagall caught us my God, I have been doing everything I can to ignore him, and it seems to be working because the few times I do see him I am surrounded by my Slytherin friends. Even these small moments with the girls don't get me anywhere with Malfoy, and it just angers me even more. 

Pansy and Regina have been bugging me about who I am going to the ball with, but since Draco isn't answering me, I tell them I don't know anymore. They give me suggestions about dresses, I nod and agree, all the while my mind traveling to other places. Every day I hope for a letter from home, but Snape gives me nothing. 

Then it comes. After Potions, Snape hands me an essay back with a letter taped inside on plain parchment paper. I rush to the dining hall and casually sit alone, not that it's not usually an option with Harry and the Weasley twins being so busy. I flip through the essay nonchalantly, carefully unfolding the note so that it seems I am deeply engrossed in whatever I've written. 

Lyra luv,

I am so very excited that you are going to the Yule Ball! But I must insist you find a different date, yes, he is standing over my shoulder as I write this. Now he is telling me to start over. No, I don't think I will. I hate to be this way but after telling Padfoot about Draco he insisted that I deny you any dresses or robes for the ball until you find different date.

Anyway, I have spoken to Dumbledore recently and he is going to attempt to smuggle you away with himself and Snape. You know what for. 

Moony sends his best regards and is sending out a book for you about Apparition after hearing from Severus that you are very involved in that subject.

You know we all send our love. But mostly me. Now he is telling me to take that out, but I won't, because this is my letter. He just knocked over a chair and said 'that's not fair!' but I find it perfectly fair, wouldn't you agree?

Love always,

Tears burn in my eyes as I finish her note and crumple it up with my essay, shoving it into the pocket of my robes. I get up quickly from the table and rush out of the dining hall, nearly bumping into the sweet giant groundskeeper, Hagrid I think they said his name was. How could they not see what I'm trying to do? How could Sirius not remember everything Severus revealed after I got in trouble with Malfoy? 

I quickly run to Dumbledore's staircase and wait outside his door when I hear voices inside. After waiting for a while I knock and hear the voices inside go quiet. Footsteps come closer to the door before it opens and Severus Snape stands before me.

"Lyra Black, just the person we need." He says. He walks back into Dumbledore's office and I follow him.

"Miss Black, what a lovely surprise." Dumbledore says. "Professor Snape and I were just discussing what day would be better for your induction into the Order."

"Headmaster, I was recently informed of some important information that nobody seems to be taking seriously," I say shooting a sideways look at Severus. "And I need to talk to you about it immediately."

"Is it about Professor Snape being a Death Eater?" He asks, his eyes gleaming.

"I--" I gulp and look between the two of them, their expressions unreadable. "Well, yes, sir. I assume that this is not important information then." 

"I need quite a bit more time of explaining to do but to give you the bits and pieces I can assure you that his loyalty lies with the Order of the Phoenix, he is our undercover wizard in Voldemort's cult. Do you have any more inquiries before we get going?"

I look over at Snape who looks back at me and I shake my head no.

"Wait, sir, leave?" I ask. 

Snape walks over to me and I talk a step back as he holds both of my hands, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"You're going home." Snape says in the same bored monotone he always uses.

"I'm wha--" I say before I feel myself whipping around and moving until I land in front of the building that 12 Grimmauld place is at, still holding hands with Severus. 

We stare at each other, and he looks down at our hands. I'm squeezing his so tightly that my knuckles are white. Embarrassed, I drop his hands and look forward, watching as Dumbledore lands before me. The house begins to appear before us and I smile-- I may not have been here long but I feel more secure in it than I have ever been anywhere.

This is what I call home.

When the building is fully formed I bolt toward the door, only wanting to see Sirius and feel his fatherly love.

Okay, and maybe Kreacher as well.

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