Chapter Thirty✨

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I land on the ground on my stomach in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place. The kitchen table shakes as I imagine Draco landing on it and chairs scrape the floor as I hear yelling from who can only be Sirius, Lupin, and Tonks.

"Lyra, why the bloody hell did you bring him here?!" Remus exclaims.

I push myself off the ground and pull out my own wand, aiming it at Draco. "I didn't know he was going to latch onto me. He just ran and I felt him grab my arm at the last second I just-- I just came to see apologize."

I look up at Sirius and he looks at me with a half smile, more worry than smile crossing his face. I smile back and then put all my attention on Draco.

He groans and rolls onto his back, clutching his stomach. "Lyra..."

"Oh darling you look beautiful!" Tonks says, looking at me for the first time. "You went to the ball didn't you? You will have to tell me all about it later!"

"Tonks, sweetheart, forgive me but now may not be the best opportunity to ask Lyra about her night out." Remus says.

Draco sits up and sees us all pointing our wands at him and he flinches. "What the bloody hell, what's going on here?"

"Lyra please explain to me why you brought a Death Eater into my home." Sirius says.

"I've already told you I was apparating and he grabbed onto me." I say stepping closer.

Draco sits up, causing all of us to press forward. The reality of the situation, having him here, sets in on me hard. I've brought a Death Eater, the son of Voldemort's right hand man, to my home.

To my fathers home.

"Don't move." Remus says.

Draco looks at him shocked. "Professor Lupin..."

"Why are you here?" Sirius says.

Draco turns to him and his eyes grow wide. "You're ... you're Sirius Black! My God, it's Sirius Black."

Sirius scuffs and rolls his eyes. He suddenly launches himself at Draco, grabbing him by his suit, and bringing him close to his face. "What are you really doing here? Did your father send you? Is he working for the ministry so they won't throw him into Azkaban?"

"My father--!" Draco struggles to speak as he fights back against Sirius' clutches holding him so tightly. 

Sirius gets a hand around Draco's throat, and I panic. I conjure up Stupefy in my mind and cut Draco off as he flies backward off the table and through the doorway.

"Draco!" I exclaim, running over to him. I kneel down and brush his hair from his forehead. "I'm so sorry are you okay? My God..."

"Step away, darling." Tonks says grabbing my arm and pulling me up. "Let the men handle it." With a grumble, "Never thought I would find myself saying that." 

I let Tonks pull me up the stairs to my bedroom and I sit on the bed. The slit causes the dress to fall off my thighs, piling onto to the edge of the bed, barely touching the floor. Being back here makes me nervous that Walburga may speak to me again.

"Tell me all about the Yule Ball." She says turning to me. "But don't take off the dress, I need a Polaroid of you!"


"Why are you so interested in my daughter?" I hear Sirius say. I sit on the stairs and fiddle with my rings as I bite my lips so much I taste blood.

"Well, umm, Sirius Black sir, I--" Draco stutters.

I've never heard him this scared before. His voice shakes and I can only imagine what he looks like.

"I swear Malfoy if you tell anyone about this place--"

"I don't even know where we are--"

"--It will be the last thing you say--"

"There's no reason for you to be worried--"

"And I can guarantee if you ever hurt or use my goddaughter for anything associated with Lord Voldemort you may find yourself at St. Mungo's, no matter how many moral codes I am breaking." Lupin adds.

There is silence and then chairs scrape the floors as Lupin stands. He leaves the kitchen as I stand and attempt to get up the stairs but I have no time. When I step up the first stair he clears his throat and raises his eyebrow.

"Now, I guess I expected more from you. You'll learn soon enough about the sacrifices that you make in the name of other people." Remus says, walking past me up the stairs.

He rubs his forehead, disappointment crossing his face as he passes me. Sirius stands before me and I duck my head.

"Are you going to take the night shift, luv?" He asks me, giving me a hug. "I certainly am not."

I give him a big squeeze back and say of course. Sirius kisses my forehead and my eyes prickle with tears. "Sirius, you're in trouble."

"Shh," he says. "Do not worry about it tonight. We will talk about it when we have time. Happy Christmas Eve, Lyra Lily Black."

He walks up the stairs and I say, "Happy Christmas Eve, Sirius." He reaches the top of the stairs and I call up, "I love you."

He turns after pausing for a few seconds and says, "I love you as well."

I walk into the kitchen and see Draco sitting there, tied down with some ropes, with wide eyes.

"What the hell have they done to you?" I say laughing.

"Oh yeah, totally hilarious." He says. "Will you let me out?"

"You know I can't be doing that, Malfoy."

Draco stares at me and then looks me up and down, causing me to blush. I must look awful, I'm covered in dust from the kitchen floor and my curls are a wild mess-- well, when are they not?

"Why did you come?" I ask him finally, moving to make us tea.

After spending almost a year here I have become accustomed to it. I don't like Professor Trelawny's, but that's a whole different type of tea.

"I honestly didnt think. I just ..." he trails off.

I stop putting the tea leaves and water together and freeze. This is another one of those moments when Draco isn't his usual vile self.

"You know we can't let you leave here, right?"

"Of course you have to! What are you even talking about? Lyra?"

I turn around, the tea kettle starting to bubble and rub my face, the alcohol wearing off and a headache setting in. I feel like i'm going to puke so I clutch on to the sides of the dingy sink, closing my eyes.

"Lyra?" Draco says again.

"I can't let you leave knowing what you know. You can't have any recollection of this night."

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