Chapter Sixteen✨

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I sit by myself at the very end of the Gryffindor table. Fred and George sit by themselves too, still hurt from when the Goblet of Fire rejected them and their aging potion. I wasn't there to see it, but apparently a fight broke out. Hermione, Harry, and Ron all have their heads bent together, probably trying to find out how to complete the next task in the tournament.

I try not to look at the Slytherin table, Severus is always watching us. And who knows if he reported back to Remus or Tonks. Or Sirius. I wish I could speak to them, understand what I'm doing. I distract myself by trying to listen to the trios conversation. Harry and I have spoken a little, mostly through Hermione, but still our relationship isn't anywhere near where I want it to be.

Granted, I feel like Sirius pushing me on him was just because he is more worried about Harry than myself ... but who knows. Sirius is so kind hearted. To suddenly want to take on the fatherly responsibilities of not one but two teenagers?

Those who are participating in this years tournament are Cedric, my sweet Cedric, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang, Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons, and ... Harry Potter. Still nobody knows why or how it happened. Dumbledore all but had a heart attack about it.

"Hey, Lyra!" Regina says coming over to me. "This is Pansy and Trevor. I thought maybe you would like to meet them."

"Hi." Pansy says smiling while Trevor raises his hand in a small wave.

"Hey," I say. "Lyra Black. But you probably already knew that. Seeing as how popular I am amongst my friends."

"Yeah..." More awkward silence, I need to stop with the dry humor. "Anyway, uh, well we are going to have a little get together outside after luncheon so if you wanna join us you are more than welcome to." Trevor says. "There's gonna be more from our house so if that's okay with you..."

I nearly choke on my food. An invitation to hang out? I bite my tongue before saying, "I have to check my calendar," and instead reply, "Yeah, sounds great. Should I meet you somewhere?"

"Let's meet up at the Slytherin table, yeah? We can introduce you to a few more people and walk out together. We have a special spot that Malfoy is always at, nobody bothers going over there so you don't need to worry about anyone asking you about ... ya know." Pansy says.

'Ya know.' Funny how so much meaning can be held in so few words. 

"Hmm, yeah. I know what you mean." They stare at me in silence, almost like they're assessing me. Are they playing me as much as I'm playing their Slytherin king? "Anyway, I'll meet up with you soon. Thanks, guys."

They say their goodbyes and leave to go sit at the Slytherin table. I roll my eyes as I grab a finger sandwich from the middle of the tray and munch on it silently, drinking some water. 

"Here." Severus says, coming up from behind me. "I think this may help you advance in your studies. I would suggest starting from page ... 394."

A few students from my house lean in to hear what he has to say, but turn away as I open the book and Snape sits next to me.

"They want you to join the Order, but your father is worried. Says it might cause some conflict. Everyone is fighting for your case, but just be careful around ... certain company, hmm?" he continues.

"And what might be going on here?" Mad Eye says coming up to us.

"I'm just giving her a book." Severus says loudly.

The students around us lean closer to hear again. These people are so fucking noisy, it's unbearable at times. I cant believe that Harry hasn't lost his mind, with all this talk about 'The Boy Who Lived.' I would kill someone.

The two men stare at each other over the top of my head. I shrink in their presence, my half eaten sandwich held awkwardly in my hand. How am I constantly getting myself into these situations, and why must the adults around me make them so uncomfortable? 

After a few torturous seconds, Mad Eye limps off without another word and Snape nods at me, patting my hand awkwardly. He walks away as well, his black robes flowing behind him dramatically. I never understood why Sirius dislikes him so — he's been nothing but nice to me, doing more than he should actually. 

I look up to see some students at my table giving me the evil eye. This couldn't get any worse. Someone moves to sit across from me and I keep my head down. The last thing I need is a 7th year on my ass about anything. But it's not. It's not even a mop of red hair signifying Fred Weasley or his younger sister who seems to be on a mission to include me in all things she does. Sweet girl she is, the few times she has managed to get me to tag along, her friends disperse on my arrival.

But no, it isn't any of them. 

Harry Potter sits across from me, his leg bouncing up and down. "Hullo." He says.

"Hey." I reply, biting into the remains of my sandwich.

"Have you spoken to Sirius lately?"

"Not since that night in the common room. After the names were picked for the Triwizard tournament."

"I need to talk to him."

"I gathered that."

There's silence between us, students move around us to go to their classes. Ron and Hermione wait for him and Fred pulls on one of my braids as he walks by, flinging my hair tie back at me. I roll my eyes and pull out my other braid, knowing that I can't get those braids to calm down once they're out.

"Is everything okay, Lyra?" he prods.

"You come to me when you need something, Harry." I sigh, standing and gathering my book bag. "I am on the outside in your life. After the incident with the dragons, the whole tournament even, your problems with Ron ... I am on the outside of your life. You never let me in."

"I don't mean to do that. I mean, not on purpose at least. But ... "

"But nothing, Harry." I sigh and turn back to him. "I would have liked this to work out more. A little can go a long way, and I'm just not seeing you wanting to put in the work to make this relationship work. None of you are. Hermione, Ron, they don't see me as a friend, just an outsider to come to when you need a favor."

"They want to be your friend, they do. We do, of course. It's just a busy year for all of us. You should be focusing on catching up on your studies, you're almost caught up to us by now. We could be in the same classes soon. It's just ... you just haven't been around for anything the three of us have endured."

I scoff and look at Regina who's motioning for me to join her.

"All you do is hang out with the Slytherins. I mean, Malfoy? Come on. You can see where I may have some trust issues on where your loyalties lie."

"MY loyalties? That is rich, coming from one of the few estranged family members I have left. And for the record, this isn't about loyalties, it's about needing a friend in these hard times as you say."

"You spend every spare moment with him." he says more quietly. "At least..."

"I have somewhere to be. At least what, Potter?"

"You could at least spend some more time with Diggory. He ... he's a good person. I would hate for you and I to suffer because of the company you keep."

Anger bubbles inside me. "The company I keep is none of your business at this point." He glances at Regina, now visible irritable at my having her wait. "And keep Cedric out of this, in fact, keep away from me until you figure out your shit. I don't need you dragging me down with you." 

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