Halloween Bash

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I sat straight up, glaring at the window. Something just hit it, and I wasn't sure what it was. I waited a moment longer, then something else hit the window with another pat.

Instinct came in, and I jumped out of bed silently. I glared out the window and saw Soul. I scowled and he grinned.

I knew immediately what he wanted.

The stairs seemed like a trek I couldn't make. But I forced my way down, to the front door where Soul had just started knocking.

"What the hell do you want? It's Saturday, Soul!" I wanted so badly to say, but I'd been taught not to whine. I'd been taught not to complain. "Yes, Soul?" He raised a brow at me, as if surprised I wasn't upset. "I wanted to make sure you had a costume for the bash. I can't have you come without a costume."

Time froze for a moment. Soul and I? Alone? No Maka? I frowned as I realized how I was reacting and shook my head, touching my temple. "Erm... No. I don't... God, I didn't even think about it." Soul frowned. "Well, we can go into town and get you something. It won't appear... Strange."

Why would it look strange? "Just leave any talking to me." And his stellar grin popped up again, making me smirk. "Alright. Let me get dressed. Come inside?" I opened the door wider, and Soul stepped inside.

I ran up the stairs and pulled out a black tank top and a neon orange shirt with "DEAL WITH IT" printed in white bold print. The sides were cut out. I pulled on some orange and white tie die skinny jeans and black converse. I brushed down my hair and pulled it up in a bun on top of my head. "Hey! I'm ready, Soul!"

Soul was standing at a shelf I had behind my couch. I gasped when I saw what he was looking at. "Wh-What're you doing?" Soul was standing before a picture of my mother. I'd gotten my naturally brown hair, and grey eyes from her. I'd also gotten most of my body features from her. "Is this your mom?" I tensed, the word suddenly foreign to me. "Ah--Um--Look..." I stopped and sighed, fighting tears. "Yeah. That's... That's my mom..."

His interest in her heightened. "Where is she?" I looked away and started towards the kitchen for something to snack on. "Dead. She died when I was younger." It grew silent. A tense silent that meant you'd done or said something wrong. I looked up and saw Soul's expression was one of surprise. "How can you say that so easily? That your mother's dead. I-I couldn't do it." I frowned. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Soul. I don't accept her death at all. I was just brought up a certain way that teaches to not let your emotions block your goals." I nodded, my appetite gone. "I don't let my mother's death stop me anymore."

He still looked confused. "Look, I mourned my mother's death for a straight year before..." I shook my head. "Nevermind. It's really complicated and it's a very long story. Maybe I'll explain it after we get back from shopping, okay?" He hesitated, then nodded. "No matter what, I'm sorry that you lost her." I sighed. "Yeah? Me too..."

We left then, on a better note. Soul had a bike, apparently, and we took that into town and to a costume shop. It felt kind of weird to suddenly be around all these humans.

Soul glanced in the shop silently, as if making sure there wasn't any trouble inside. "Well, inside we go." He said, gesturing at the shop. I nodded, and opened the door.

Inside, there seemed to be hundreds of thousands of costumes. There were all kinds of them, hanging on racks of sitting on shelves and counters. A woman smiled at us from behind a cash register.

Soul let me have a look around, and I found something I liked; a crimson dress with a hooded cloak. The dress was mesh, but it had layers that made it thicker so you couldn't see through it. It had a pencil skirt that stopped at my mid-thigh, but it's tail stopped at my knees. Silver and black sequins printed beautiful patterns on the waist and torso of the dress. The cloak was made of silk, and it's color matched the dress. Black designs swirled down the cloak, adding a mysterious, but gorgeous look to it.

I smiled at it and held it up, letting Soul get a look at it. "What do you think?" He looked over it once, twice, and then nodded. "Perfect." He chuckled. I beamed and laughed. "Alright then!" Soul took the dress and cloak and handed it over to the register. I was surprised when he handed money over to the woman behind the counter, but I didn't say anything.

Soul folded the dress neatly under the bike's seat and we started back home. We started back down towards the DWMA and we hit a bump. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms tighter around Soul's stomach and clenched my jaw, pressing against his back. I felt him chuckle as he slowed down a bit and I blushed loosening my hold on him. I wanted to apologize but I knew I wouldn't be heard. Not over the wind. So I was quiet for the rest of the ride.

He dropped me off at my house. "Hey. The bash is at the park, in the open. In the cold." He clarified. "I don't think that dress'll be enough to keep you warm, so bring a jacket." A flash of confusion crossed his face. "Just in case." He finished as he handed me my dress. I nodded. "Yeah? Thanks. I'll, uh, see ya then, I guess." He nodded, waved, and rode off.


I looked at the dress on me, now. I finished the look with black and silver flats. I grabbed my white denim jacket and started outside and to the park.

The streets were dark and quiet. Until you got closer to the park. Then, all you could hear was music. Sleeping with Sirens blared from hidden speakers and I turned a corner to get a good look at the scene.

The park was filled with playful Halloween decorations. Black bat and orange pumpkin streamers hung in the trees. A large, decorative jack'o'lantern grinned in the corner, and groups of costumed people laughed, danced, and chilled with others, some with cups in their hands. I swallowed as I stepped through a black arch.

As I stepped through, a large, grinning bat dropped down in front of my and I laughed. Was this their greatest attempt to scare me? Soul was there, frowning when the bat raised again. "Not the jumpy type?" I grinned, still laughing. "No! Not at all." He grinned and led me over to the heart of the park. "This is the bash!" I nodded, looking at masked figures and creepy Halloween decorations. Soul smirked at me, and when I asked why he was smirking, he just shook his head and laughed.

The rest of the night was spent dancing and talking with people I hadn't really bothered to meet. The blonde-haired boy with blue streaks finally told me his name; Joshua. When he did, he handed me a cup. "Drink it!" He shouted over the blaring music. I raised a brow at him, but took a large gulp of the liquid and swallowed.


I coughed and gagged, and Josh laughed. "It's not that bad!" He told me. I straightened up and frowned. "Come on, its really not that bad!" He paused as he examined my expression. "Follow me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a table of drinks. There were dozens of bowls. Joshua took a cup and poured a liquid from a large spoon into the cup and gave it to me. "Drink it."

Under pressure, I drank it. And more. And more. And more. Eventually, I pretended I was so drunk I could barely stand. Later, I ran into Soul, laughing. He frowned when he saw my condition. "You're drunk, aren't you?" I laughed. "What? Me! Nah!" I said. He sighed and took my arm. "Come on," He growled, glaring at someone over my shoulder. "I'm taking you home."

I frowned. I honestly wasn't that drunk. I was just pretending to get Josh off my back. But I waited until we were half way to my house to start speaking. "Soul, I'm honestly not that drunk. I just had to pretend to get--"

Soul pushed me up against a wall. "I know, Claire. I know you aren't drunk!" I frowned again. "Then why are you taking me home?" Soul's eyes widened, as if he just realized what he was doing. "Claire I--" He broke off, shaking his head. "I'll tell you at your house..."

So we kept walking until we were in my house, where I sat on a stool at the counter and Soul stood before me. "Go ahead." I said calmly. "I-I can't explain it with words, Claire." I shrugged. "Then explain it in any way you know how." He looked troubled and confused. Then he took a step forward.

Shock enveloped me slowly as his lips pressed against mine. I tensed and my eyes widened, and I pushed him away. He obviously gulped, panting. I was holding my breath, my feelings for him mized and tangled. "Soul..." I was breathless. He nodded slowly, as if waiting for me to reply.

I found my self jumping from the stool, which knocked it over, and kissing him in return. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my waist, and I didn't wait to wrap my arms around his neck. We ended up upstairs, and I knew this wasn't going to end on terms Maka would agree with. But, honestly, right now...

I couldn't care less.

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