Different Perspecitve

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Claire's POV

I sat up, glaring at the wall. I was sweating a bit, and the blankets were somewhat twisted, but I hadn't screamed. Not that I know of, anyway. I looked at the clock. Seven? That was about the time I woke up for school anyway. I stretched and yawned, silently making my way downstairs.

Death was sleeping peacefully on the couch. I understood why he hadn't taken Zero's room, but he could've. However, as of right now, I couldn't decide whether I was happy or upset that he had slept on the couch. Because there he was again, shirtless.

I couldn't help but stop and stare. He wasn't really pale, but equal with the rest of his skin color. Well, duh! What was I thinking? He's human? Of course he was! I shook my head and passed him before I could fall back under the trance. I turned and started back up the stairs, having forgotten why I'd come down.

"Claire!" Death gasped. I heard the couch shift as he most likely sat up. I froze, afraid I'd been caught. But then, Death started panting. "I've got to go check on her." He mumbled to himself. I clenched my jaw and debated whether or not to run back to my room or not.

In the end, I walked down the stairs and screeched in shock. Death was standing, the blanket he'd used in a pile in the floor. He was wearing pants, fortunately, but his torso was completely naked. I gasped as he straightened out, not at all phased by my presence. He actually seemed relieved I was there. Probably because of the dream he'd had. Huh. "You're okay..." Death sighed. I nodded stiffly. "And you're... Uh... Eh... Heh!" I pointed at him, and he glanced down at himself. "Oh! Right. Sorry, Claire." He turned and bent over for his shirt. I almost squealed, watching as his muscles stretched and worked under his skin. I grabbed the wall, clenching my jaw. Maybe I should sneak down here every morning. I giggled at my own thoughts.

Death turned, pulling his shirt down over his abs. "Ah. Well, that was a very interesting way to say 'good morning' I'm sorry." I shook my head, still pale from shock. "D-Don't worry about it! Heh!" Death gave me a strange look. "Right," He dragged out the "r" as he put his hands on his hips. "Anyway! I just came down for some... Uh... Water! For some water!" I shook my head and started towards the kitchen. Death followed.

We were both quiet as I drank at the water in the glass. He was observing me, while I was avoiding all eye contact. "Did the stone work?" I paused, setting the glass down on the counter. "Yeah. Well, it's starting to. We beat the monster's ass, like I thought we would." I turned so he couldn't see my grimace. It had been a bloody battle, but we'd won all the same.

His hands landed on my shoulders, cool and relaxing. "What's the matter?" He murmured. I swallowed. "N-Nothing." He scoffed. "You're tense. That's not nothing." He turned me around. "What's the matter? I can't help if I don't know." He explained, and I leaned against the island. "The battle in my dream was a little more bloody than I thought it'd be, that's all." He raised a brow. "But we all survived?" I nodded. "Yeah. Few cuts and scratches, but you all survived." His grip tightened on my shoulders. "Hmph. You said 'you all' not 'we'. What happened?" I shrugged, giggling nervously. Death's eyes widened. "Who's life did you save by sacrificing your own?" How did he know me so well? "Was it Zero?" I shook my head.



"Maka? Black Star? Tsubaki?"

"No. No, and no."

"Liz and Patty? Kai?"

"Again. No to all." I wrapped my fingers around the edge of the island. He was bound go figure it out now. I was right, too. I knew because his eyes widened. "...Me?" I turned, punching the island top with the outside of my fist. "Why?" I shuddered, Death's breath hot on the back of my neck. "I don't know! I don't know..." Why don't I just tell him? I paused. "Damnit. Death, we're gonna be late for class." I turned tail and ran back upstairs before he could ask anything else.

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