Author's Note

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Hi there! So I want to stop and thank everyone for reading this, whoever did. If you're wondering, yes, "The End" was the last chapter of "Claire".

Before I get bombarded with this question, I have NO idea if I'm going to make a sequel yet! I also plan on finishing "Venom" tonight, so go head over there in a bit and see if it's done!

I, personally, hate cliff hangers. Which is why I'm really sorry for leaving you with one! I know there's a ton of questions that need answers, but I have a ton of story ideas that I need to get down.

Just recently, I've noticed that my works, currently, are all FanFictions. So I apologize if this is inconvenient for any of my readers. I hope to be publishing a dystopia after finishing "Venom" and posting my next story "Blinded".

For a sneak peek in both "Venom" AND my new book "Blinded" keep on reading! It's just down there!



Chapter 20: It's All Over

Alaria's POV

I woke up to an empty house. Kyoya, Mori, Honey, Tamaki, Kaoru, Hikaru, everyone was gone. There wasn't even a note.

Before I got worked up, I pushed myself down the stairs and made myself some breakfast. This house had been slowly begun to feel like home, and I loved it.

My breakfast consisted of pancakes and bacon, both of which I are greedily. It wasn't too large a breakfast, but it wasn't small either. So I finished it quickly, then put my dishes in the sink.

I walked into the den and lit the fireplace. Outside, Calone neighed in alarm. I frowned, then jumped when I heard the front door swing open quietly.

What was that?


That's the sneak peek for "Venom"! I know, another cliff hanger! But you're going to have to go read the actual chapter to get it down!

So, "Blinded" is a FanFiction (sorry!)! It is a Markiplier FanFiction, for all you Markiplites (which I am one). "Blinded" is part 1 of 9 of my "YouTube Collab". First, I will write every 9 FanFiction individually, then put it in another story called "YouTube Collab" so you can have them all in one place. I'll make sure it's organized and easy to tell the difference of the stories!



Palastine's POV

I'd never experienced a night so cold in Las Angeles. Why was it so cold here? Was I even in the right place? I giggled at my own thoughts.

I shuffled into the bar quietly, peeling off my coat and hanging it on the coat rack. I'd worked at Drinking Sailor for a year and a half now, and I'd never experienced any problems other than breaking up fights. And at 5'11" and 130 lbs., I probably wasn't supposed to be breaking up fights between 6'+ and 150 lbs.+ men. But I do it anyway.

Lori opened the door and put her coat on the coat rack. "Palis! Hey. Glad to see you here early." She said. Lori Dondego was the owner of Drinking Sailor, and she was proud of it. I couldn't blame her, either; her bar brought in good business. This was my boss.

I shrugged and giggled at her, headed into the kitchen to get cups ready. I was a waitress, so I pulled on an apron while I was there.

Damon joined us not twenty minutes later, and pulled an apron on as well. But he was a bartender; we worked different jobs.

The other employees got into work just as the bar opened, and the bar was soon filled.

I hurried between tables, taking orders, giving them to the chefs, retrieving the orders, and then delivering them with ease.

But, today, I wasn't doing as good as I usually did. So, when it came to closing time, I made sure I was the last one at the bar. Lori always trusted me to lock up.

Two years ago today, my fifteen year old sister, Lilly, died of cancer. That thought had been bearing down on me all day, especially when I'd visited her grave and put down fresh flowers. I'd out down Tiger Lilies and Lilacs, her favorite flowers.

I downed a couple of random shots of alcohol, not focusing on what I got as much of how much I got. It was a good thing I didn't drive.

I left the bar a bit tipsy. Not drunk, completely, but tipsy. I'd grabbed my coat and locked up, headed to my apartment.

Lilly, I remember, had wanted so badly to meet some Markiplier guy before she died. I agreed completely; meeting the guy was her dying wish. But, when he got there, I was so happy to see Lilly brighten with joy that I had to leave the room to cry. Mark, I found was his name, had followed me and comforted me. But, when we got back, Lilly was dead.

I blamed myself all the time for that. What if I hadn't let Mark come and visit her? She would've died without her wish. I couldn't have done that. Should I be mad or grateful at the guy? I didn't know!

"Whoa!" Someone cried as I bumped into them. I jumped back, looking up at them. "Are you alright?" It was a male. I hoped that was my consciousness and not just the alcohol. "Uh. Myeah. I think so." I said quietly. This guy looked familiar. "You sure? You look..." He trailed off. I frowned. "I'm fine!"

The male shook his head. "No. It's not that." He paused. "Do I know you from somewhere?"

I blinked. The voice, the guy himself, was too familiar. "I have no idea. You may have." I replied. Had I met this guy somewhere before? "I think... Oh my gosh! Are you the girl from the hospital?"

My heart stopped. Please tell me this wasn't that guy! But, with a closer look, I found out it was. This was Markiplier. Mark.

"Gah!" I gasped in shock. "I-I have to go!" I cried anxiously, running past him and straight to my apartment. Mark, fortunately, didn't follow me.

Why, of all people, did I have to run into him today!


That was actually the entire prologue of "Blinded". So, I guess it was a sneak peek? Eh.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading "Claire"! It really means a lot to me! Thanks for voting for my chapters if you did, and if you didn't, that's okay too! I love you guys! Stay awesome!

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