Itsy Bitsy Spider

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I know I haven't updated in a long time and I'm so sorry! I don't even have a reasonable excuse as to why I haven't uploaded in a few weeks. But, I'm uploading again!

Hopefully, I'll have Claire finished by the end of February so I can finish Venom!


"Forbidden One" is being postponed to a later date! It is being replaced. Hopefully, since none of you know what it's about, none of you will hate me!

Also, beside that point, for the rest of the story, there will be TONS of twisting and changing compared to the anime series! I would explain how, but that's spoiling it and I just CAN'T have that! Fair warning??


Anyway. Again, I am very VERY sorry! I'll try to upload AT LEAST two times a day from now on!!


Kira's POV

I smirked up at the Mission Board. Didn't want to start with anything too reckless, but why would I go easy? My chest was already healing back up from my fight with Venalice, so I should be good to take a fairly difficult mission.

"What do you think?" Death asked beside me. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye and shrugged. "I'm not sure. But the one that's sticking out the most is that one." I pointed to the card of my interest and Death frowned.

I turned, bumping right into Sid, another professor here at DWMA. He would be considered creepy to most -- since he was a zombie and all -- but I honestly found him pretty comforting. "Cl--" He cleared his throat vigorously before continuing, "Kira Stein?" I glanced around wearily, hoping that no one heard. After seeing no one had, I nodded. "Yes?" I replied. Sid nodded. "Come with me; Lord Death would like to see you." I raised a brow, glancing at Death behind me. "Right," I hummed, following Sid through the crowd of students.

We walked in an authority-filled silence; he wouldn't speak to me about what this was about, but it seemed as if he wasn't speaking because he felt I was under him, a mere insect in his presence. I'd have to push through it.

Needless to say, I let it slide.

Sid walked me down the corridor leading to Lord Death's room or office, whichever seemed most convenient, and I frowned. There Lord Death was, sipping on a cup of tea as if he were a normal human being. Which, obviously, he was far from. "Kira! Please, sit!" Lord Death greeted me after setting down his cup of hot tea. I made my way across the room and sat down on the pillow before the small table. "You wanted to see me, sir?" I asked politely. Lord Death, instead of answering me, gestured at the tea and asked, "Would you like some?" I shook my head with a kind smile on my face.

"Right!" Lord Death announced, pointing in the air. "I want to personally give you a mission, if you're up for it, Ms. Stein." I hesitated. "Mission?" I asked after a moment of silence. Lord Death nodded, "Yes. There have been multiple strange occurrences on the borders of our Nevada. I'd like you to head out there and check it out, and destroy the cause of this." I frowned, looking at the table. "When do I leave, if I may, sir?" I asked cautiously. "Tomorrow afternoon," He replied. After another moment of thought, I nodded. "I'll take it. Thank you, Lord Death," I bowed respectively, "For choosing me for this task. I won't fail you, sir." Lord Death giggled happily, an unusual sound for a male, in my ears, and nodded. "Of course! I wish you the best of luck, Ms. Stein!"

Now if only he'd not call me that, I thought as I left the room.


I tapped my foot, impatiently waiting for the bell to ring signaling the end of the day. I needed to talk to dad and Death, and even explain all of this to the others. I'd be gone for at least a day, and I didn't need any of them panicking.

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