Real Bad News

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Kira's POV


I glared through my blindfold, trying to see and not succeeding. It was dark, oh so dark, and too quiet here.

A hand fell of my hip and I jumped -- as much as I could, being tied to the ceiling by my wrists and all -- and yelped behind the gag.

"It's okay! It's me!"


"Yeah. It's me. We're going to get you out of here!"

"We?" I asked, though it probably sounded like something along the lines of, "Hee?"

Death grunted. "Soul and Black Star are here, too."

I nodded slowly; I trusted them.

Death grabbed both my sides, and I screamed. "No! My ribs!" I tried to scream. Death hummed. "What? I can't understand you?"

"Take off the damn gag!" I spat. Black Star groaned. "What's she saying?" Soul grunted. "I have no idea," He said.

Suddenly, the blindfold and gag fell from my face, and I coughed in surprise. Justin was standing before me, and we were standing in a white room.

Well, it wasn't a room. More like an endless space.

"Where are we?" I asked. I wasn't in any pain, and my clothes were clean and in tact. Justin chuckled.

"You died. I led you to Heaven."

I grunted, looking around. "No way I'm dead."

Justin frowned. "Do you feel pain? Are your ribs still broken? Your wrists still sprained?"

I felt over my body, and found Justin was right; nothing was broken and nothing was sprained. "So I'm dead?"

Justin nodded. "Yeah. Your friends aren't taking it too well."

An image appeared next to Justin's head, showing Death on his knees, sobbing in a meadow. Black Star was fighting and crying. Soul was crying in his room. Ryuu was throwing things in our house. I gasped at the sight of them hurt.

"What do I have to do! I have to go back! I have to stop them; they'll do something they'd regret if they were sane!"

He shook his head. "You can't. That'd be cheating death, which no one can do. Anyway, this is only a dream. You and I both know that."

I hummed in confusion.

"That's right." He continued. "When you wake up, you have to choose between one of those four boys there." He looked at the depressing images. "Actually, I'm on that list of choosing, too, aren't I?"

I glared at him. "You were staring at me before we lost Brew. Don't act like that," I told him.

He smiled. "You're right; I was, wasn't I? But that doesn't matter. What really matters, right now, is that you have to decide which of us five you love the most." He paused. "And choose wisely; these sorts of decisions have horrid consequences."

Slowly, Justin faded away. I gaped as I watched, shocked that he could just dissipate like that. Then, the white space faded away, and I was gone not long after.


I opened my eyes slowly, the dream still fresh on my mind. That definitely wasn't the first time I'd had that dream.

I'm not dead, was the first though to pop into my head. 'Justin shouldn't have been so cruel to lie to me like that.' I thought angrily.

"Kira! How're you feeling?" I grunted at Nygus' question. "Better. How long was I asleep?" She hesitated. "Almost two days. Your body took this opportunity to heal quickly, and your wrists are looking better. Your bruises are disappearing, your cuts and burns have scanned over nicely."

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