Chapter 30: sneaking

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"Wow." Mom put her book down as I came in through the door. "I see your medicine is helping. I heard you laughing the other day."

My smile from my run-in with Audra fell off my face as I hooked my book bag. "You did?"

"Yeah, in the bathroom. You laughed me awake."

"Huh?" I put my head down, knowing exactly what she was talking about. It was the moment when I had realized that I scared Babykins with my fart.

"It was past midnight. I loved hearing you laugh. Was it a book? A good book does that."

I gave her a warm smile and walked past her. "Yeah. I'm coming along. Still need to work through the kinks, though." Like fighting for Babykins' life.

"That's great to hear, dear."

"Love you!" If only I could dash up the stairs like I used to. No. I moved like an old lady up and up, blaming it on a vigorous, non-existent exercise routine so that Mom felt it normal. Okay, so I exaggerated about the little old lady thing—but it sure as heck felt like it. Once I was in my room and locked the door, I dumped myself on the bed, my hands gliding over the smooth surface of my tummy.

My phone dinged. I fished it from my pocket. Audra texted. Ugh. What did she want now? She was such a bubble buster. I tossed my phone aside, not wanting to hear from her. She texted me a few more times, and each time, I covered my ears. "I don't care to hear from you."

"Did you get my texts?" Audra wasn't fresh and pretty like usual as I walked into 6th hour the next day.

"Naw." I avoided her eye and settled into my seat, taking my textbook out. I was glad that the students talk about my meltdown. Oh, sure they'd whisper once in a while, but I felt that they empathized with me more than anything else.

"What?" she nearly shrieked, but ducked from turning a few heads. "Why?" She slid into the seat behind me. "Why didn't you? I really needed you to read them."

I bit back a retort and flexed my hand. Babykins kicked my ribs. I know, I should tell her to go suck a sock. "Look," I whirled around and gave her a brave stare, though I felt far from it, "you've been busting on me forever, and quite frankly my dear, I don't need your sour medicine." Her mouth dropped and I smiled.

That felt good! I patted my tummy and gave him a little squeeze under my shirt so no one would see, and threw in all my focus toward the assignment.

"Look, I'm sorry that I wasn't playing nice." She squatted beside me, her hands clasping my desk.

I glanced at the teacher, but she was stacking papers on the desk. The bell hadn't rung yet. What was I going to say to that? "How's Josh anyway, enjoying sucking up to Tara?" I inhaled, my eyes widening slightly. I didn't mean to say that!

But Audra didn't react the way I thought. "I really need to talk to you, but not here. Please answer my texts, okay?"

You should say sorry first. Oh, how I wanted to rag on her for avoiding me at lunch. For hurting me by saying that I ruined her brother's life, how she didn't give me a ride home, how she . . . Take a deep breath, girl. After several of those, I decided I was going to humor her. I turned to her.

"Text me," she mouthed after the bell rang from her seat. She didn't even have the courtesy to ask how I was doing. How I was coping with my fears and agonies and loneliness. Well, I was going to indulge her when I was good and ready.

I pulled into our double car garage and honked the horn hello. Mom insisted that I keep safer by having my car inside. I didn't argue. After gathering an armload of my favorite snacks, I made my way to my room.

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