Chapter 31: friends

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"By the way, sex is nothing like in the movies. They don't show the truth." I snorted, and extended my aching legs. It was funny that she sneaked through my window, but I didn't ask.

Audra's lip curled and she stood. "Gross. I don't want to know how it was with my brother, okay?" She gave me a full-body shudder.

"Well, you know what? I got a full detailed description of you and Rick, so it's my turn. In the movies, it shows the man fully engaged in the interest of the woman's pleasure. Ha!" I stood up and stomped my foot on the floor.

"Sh! They'll hear you."

"I could be on the phone. Or do you think I'm society's reject?" My heart lurched when I said that, because that was exactly how I felt: a reject. She snorted, and started rummaging through my little wire basket of nail color.

Look, she's not even interested in my feelings! "Josh was hungry all right, he kissed me everywhere, but when he came, it was over—is that the way it's supposed to be? Huh? What about the orgasm you told me about? Do you always have one with Rick? Or is Rick just like Josh?"

"Enough already!" she exploded, my purple sparkle bottle bounced on the carpet.

I took a step closer, fury made me break out into a sweat. "You led me to believe that condoms were the perfect solution to sex. I got pregnant while using one and your brother had no idea!" I slammed my arms under my breasts and glared at her, hoping she could feel my scorn. "He knew where to touch me as if he'd been doing it all his life. He wasn't a virgin, was he?"

Her scowl slipped into a grin. "Just because you were a virgin, Miss High and Mighty, doesn't mean everyone is! You're so naïve, Jess."

"And so is Josh to think that a condom could protect us effectively! Yes, I am naïve, Audra, and you should be naïve too. You're too young to handle sex—look at the way you treat my consequences of thinking—no, believing—that sex with someone I love is okay!"

Her mouth hung in sassy twist, her eyes dipping up and down my body again. "I don't have to put up with this. You're a loser."

It was as if fire sucked from hell and engulfed me with a single gasp when she said that. I marched over to her, and let my fist slam into her jaw. She yelped, stumbled back, and crashed into my dresser, knocking my nail colors to the floor. "Look what you did to my nail polish!" My fist throbbed, but I felt great by letting loose the demons that had been hunting me since she unfriended me.

"What the—!" Audra jumped to her feet, her dark eyes dancing with ice. "What's gotten into you?"

I dropped my head back and let go a mocking cackle. Pointing to Babykins and apologizing silently to him for what I was about to say next, I said, "Josh did. Now who's the naïve one?" ha ha good one!

She felt her jaw, her fingers gliding across her lip. Yep. I made her bleed. Her eyes bulged and she gasped. "You made me bleed!"

"And so did Josh. Or have you forgotten that already, Mrs. Veteran?"

Her jaw jutted and she fisted her hand and flew to me.

"Go ahead, Audra, I dare you!" I shrieked. Scared like crazy because I knew just how fragile my body was. "And you will go to jail for murder."

She stopped cold, inches from me. "What're you talking about? Murder?" She laughed.

"I guess you're too naïve to know what pregnancy does to a girl, do you?" I dished her up some fiery eyes, too. Again, she checked me out. "Will you stop doing that? It's creepy."

"Doing what?" she snarled.

"Checking me out." My insides quivered from either anger or disgust, even Babykins had the hiccups. It's alright, little one. I'd never let her hurt us. Ever. I knew a thing or two about self-defense, Dad saw to that.

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