Return of The Blaze Rods

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"A what?!.. Here let me see!" Ivor protested. I heard a shove and an "Ow!" from Lukas but it wasn't what I was solely focused on. The portal was.
Usually, the only portal that's decorated like this is the obsidian covered purple one but this.. this was different. It was gold filled with iron and then by activating a pressure plate moved the wall backward. Definietly different.
"W.. wow! How remarkable.. and very confusing!" Ivor commented as he pulled himself up to where I was stood, baffled. Eventually, Petra and Lukas came up too and shared the same amazement. I turned around and looked at the other 3. "So should I ignite it?" I asked.
Ivor seemed to find this hilarious "Should I ignite it!" He mocked me before returning to his normal angry loud tone "Yes of course you should!". I rolled my eyes boldly.
"Well I was just saying considering we don't know where this portal leads do we?"
"We'll soon find out!" Ivor replied.
Just as Ivor grabbed the flint and steel from me, a voice from behind spoke making all our heads turn. "Oh I don't think so"
Petra almost growled "Aiden."
Aiden - the leader of the Blaze Rods - stood there smirking, followed by his companions Maya and Gil.
Ivor, ignoring their voices as he was too mesmorised by the f&s, scratched the flint and steel across eachother forcing a big glow of light blue in the portal entrance.
"Woah!" I yelled as we lunged slightly forward. Unfortunately Ivor fell straight onto his back leading the flint and steel into the hands of the enemy.
"Ivor!!" Lukas complained just as Aiden knelt down and picked it up. I went to go forward but Maya and Gil pulled their swords from their backs and lunged them at me, forcing me to step away.
"Ah. So this is the important flint and steel!" Aiden smirked as he took a closer examination before lifting his eyes up to meet my gaze "Thanks for this Jesse. I knew you were good for something".
"Give that back Aiden! That thing could be more powerful than anything you'll ever know so give it back" I firmly demanded. I wasn't gonna lose to him. Not again. I pulled my sword out to show my dominance in the situation.
"Exactly so give it back you wretched fool!" Ivor said as he joined in. He was about as angry as I was. Aiden laughed comically "Says the people who just got knocked lighting it. So step aside Jesse. We're heading through that portal now"
Aiden and his crew began to walk forward as Petra pointed her sword sharply at Maya; the closest Blaze Rod to her. "I don't think so. You're not going anywhere!".
Maya looked back and forth between Petra and I, her devilish smile growing "Oh wow. First I get threatened by you and now your little friend. Such a nice Order Of The Stone".
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Petra looked back at me confused "What is she talking abou-"
Just before Petra could finish her sentence, Maya lunged her fist into Petra's face making her fall back against the wall. My skin instantly heated up in anger. Nobody hurt my friends. Especially Petra. "Petra!" I cried in surprise before glaring at Maya "You stay away from her Maya"
"Or how about you losers go back to doing what you're doing and WE go through that portal?" Gil suggested attempting to be cocky. It failed.
"Not on my watch!" Lukas replied as he drew his sword out. "You're done Aiden. This is where it ends."
Aiden watched Lukas carefully for a moment, no cleverness or evilness but pure curiosity on his face before returning to his normal nasty look "Fine. Blaze Rods - clear me a path!" He commanded.
Maya and Gil nodded before Maya leapt for Petra and Lukas and Gil leapt for me. I swung my sword as hard as I could, battling against his every move. With all my might, I forced my sword forward pushing him to the ground.
I looked over to see Ivor battling against Aiden but not doing very well. I had to help.
However, I looked away for long enough as I felt a hard kick to my knees, making me fall down. When I opened my eyes a moment later, Aiden was half in the portal.
"Let's go!!" He screamed and before we knew it, the Blaze Rods were out of sight. I was furious. He'd won again.
"No!!" Petra groaned.
Quickly, I stood up and focused over to Ivor for guidance. He yelled "We have to go after them!"
"But what about Axel and Olivia?!"
"Theres no time to go get them Jesse! We can't let Aiden steal the flint and steel away - who knows what he'll do with it?!"
We all nodded before racing into the portal, not thinking about what we were facing.

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