Plan In Action

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The next day dawned upon us and everyone was ready. Milo had informed everyone neccessary on their role and Petra and I knew what we were doing. It was time to go take down that scumbag.

At around 5pm, Milo and his friends returned from scanning the guarding positions all day. Petra and I were geared up, with swords, raring to go. It was good that Petra and I were friends now, but the tiniest part of me was unsure if we'd ever be the same again. But that had to wait now, as we had other priorities.
Milo stood on the platform and spoke loudly as people gathered round "It is time people. For people to be saved, and for us to finally receive what we deserve. The Eversource!"
Wait what?
Petra frowned at me "When was that part of the deal?"
I shrugged and spoke up to Milo "Milo, you never said anything about us getting the Eversource for you"
Milo reflected the confusion "I thought that was a given considering we were helping you save your friends"
"Well, yeah, but.."
"But what?" He asked.
What was I going to tell him? That I'd planned to take it for ourselves? Who knows what this precious.. pet could do?
"Uh, nothing. I just wish you'd have told me in advance"
"Well I'm sure if you can get your friends, you can make a short detour for the Eversource too"
"If we even have time" Petra said, clearly disfavouring this idea.
"Don't worry" The girl with goggles reassured "You'll have the time"
Suddenly, the door at the top opened and Philipe walked in. In a posh accent, he yelled "We're ready sir"
Milo nodded and turned toward us "Ready girls?"

"Ready" We said in unison.

The others began to lead out as did we. Whilst the others spread out, Milo lead us to the edge of the city where the secret underground passageways were. He turned to us "There are camera systems in here monitoring your moves. Be careful"
We aways are.
We stepped down the ladders and into the passageways. They were small and narrow. And soon dark as Milo closed the lid.
I couldn't see a thing
"Petra, you there?!"
I was scared Milo had done a number on us. Turned us in by leading us here. Why else would we have no lights?
"I'm here dummy" She replied as she grabbed my arm and gave it a firm squeeze. (lol). "Oh good" I sighed reassured. "Why can't we see?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Petra began walking, taking my arm so we could see "So we blend in"
"Yeah but does it have to be this dark?"
"Aw don't be scared Jesse. Nothing wrong with a little darkness"
I knew she meant that literally, but I didn't. I meant that in another way. The kind of way that would help me get revenge on Aiden. For humiliating us once again.

Luckily, I spoke too soon. We came to a corner and found a dimly lit tunnel. "This way" Petra whispered. I followed her around the maze of a passageway until we heard voices. Guards.
Petra and I stopped in our tracks at the corner. Petra looked down at her wrist and pressed a redstone wired button what she'd crafted earlier on today. It was to signal Milo it was time.
Out of nowhere, a siren went off loudly. I covered my ears. Had he really turned us in?!
Footsteps and voices grew louder. We put our hands over our mouths. Just peaking around, we could see the guards stood at where the tunnels intersected. They could go left or right.

"The noise is coming from that way!" A guard yelled and ran in the opposite way with the other one. Phew.
"That was close" I whispered and Petra nodded. Now that tunnel was clear, we could go down that way. Looking both ways, we ran down the passageway to find another ladder. Could this be the way to Lukas and Ivor or to the way to the Founder?
Petra began to climb up... but all I could do was stand there. If we really did go the wrong way and get arrested then.. then I wouldn't be able to confront Aiden as well as get my revenge. About something that's haunted me for a while.
I was desperate to know.
Petra turned around to me "Dude you okay?"
"What? Yeah, I'm okay"
"Then come on, let's go"
"Are.. are you sure we're not gonna get arrested?"
She rolled her eyes wildly "Yes. Now don't back out on me okay?"
"Okay" I responded nervously and followed her up the ladder.
We eventually reached the top. Jamming her sword in, Petra pushed the lid to the tunnel wide open and suddenly we were in a stone walled room. Petra climbed out as did I.
Holy crap.
We were in the whole jail cell.
Along a long corridor, people were sat in jail cells, banging on the iron bars to get out. How the hell had we got in here so easily?
I turned to Petra. "Keep an eye out for guards. I'll see if I can find them"
As I walked along, I got a lot of conversation thrown at me. Mostly about being let out, or asking if I was a prisoner or what not. I ignored it. As I reached the end of the hall, I heard someone muttering away.

Then the voice became recognisable

"Well if you hadn't have let those guards dive down at you blonde guy then maybe we would have a better shot of getting out of here!"

Oh Ivor.
I rushed to the end to see Lukas look up and grin at me. Ivor did the same.
"Jesse!" Lukas exclaimed.
"You came for us!" Ivor sounded surprised. I nodded "Yeah but we don't have much time. We have to get the Eversource, get it to the Build Club and then-"

"Wait what? What Build Club?!" Ivor asked angrily "We are having that Eversource. It could be our way home Jesse, we need it!"
"You think a pet is our way home?" Lukas sounded baffled
"Well a pet has saved us before hasn't it?"

That was true. Reuben did but in a whole other sense. "Him, Ivor. Not it. And that was different"

"Exactly. This Pet must be special if the Founder is keeping it in her palace which is why we NEED it! Or we might never escape this god forsaken island. At least not alive"

So now I was torn.
Between keeping it for myself.
Between sharing it for the group.
Between giving it to Build Club.
And of course, leaving it where it belongs.
But that wasn't an option. It was coming with us, whether they liked it or not.

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