Who Did It?

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"Jesse?... Jesse!"
I opened my eyes. Above me, stood Isa, Petra, Ivor and Milo. I must've passed out or something from the fall. Weird.
"I can't believe you're alive!" Petra exclaimed.
Oh my god.
She leant forward and hugged me tightly before I could even think properly. I couldn't process what I was feeling, but it was good. She let go eventually and sat backward.
Groaning, I sat up slowly whilst pressing my hand on my side. A sharp pain arose on my hip, damage from the fall. Looking around, I noticed people were down on the ground, looking amazed by the surroundings.
We did it.
We survived.
"I can't believe we made it!" Milo chirped happily "We made it onto the ground!".
Ivor nodded "Yes well it's about time!"
As they spoke, I noticed something. Lukas was missing.
"Wheres Lukas?" I asked confused. It wasn't like him not to be here. Isa looked at me worriedly "We saw a body fall from the sky before you all came down. It went off somewhere into the distance so Lukas has gone to find out who it was"
Oh no...
I knew exactly who it was.
Uncomfortably, I gulped as I stood up. I could barely keep eye contact with any of them. Isa leant out and offered her support as I stood up. I didn't want to let her but I did as my grazed side stung quite a bit. She sighed "Jesse, can we talk? Alone please?"
The others looked awkwardly between themselves and at me.
I didn't want to - but it would take off the pressure I felt around them all. The pressure I felt to spill the beans to them. I nodded "Okay".  The others walked away and it was just Isa and I.
"Jesse.. I'm sorry I didn't trust you before. I am so greatful for what you've done here. You chose to save all of my people and I.. well, you are a credit to me."
"What do you mean?" I asked stiffly, shuffling awkwardly because of my injuries fighting Aiden. And the injuries from the fall too.
"Well.. in all my life I never believed anything good would come of it. When I left you in Soren's care, I dedicated myself to my work creating Sky City. I believed that was my biggest achievement... But now I see. You are Jesse. You're my hero. My beautiful hero"
She had tears in her eyes as she softly stroked my cheek.
I felt sick.
Hearing her say those words, knowing that in my heart they were lies. Killing someone wasn't heroic. It was the right thing to do, but it wasn't heroic.
I moved back slightly in discomfort. She sighed awkwardly "I'm sorry. I know I can't expect to be a mother to you after all these years I haven't been around. Hearing from Lukas all of the things you have done.. it amazes me. You're so strong Jesse"
"Stop Isa-"
"No please. Please let me say what I have to"
I watched her as if to say "continue". She did.
"- You don't need a mother or a father or any parent. I know you don't need me. I know it's too late for me to be a part of your life now"

Was.. was she giving up on me?
The stubborn part of me was agreeing but the part of me that still had a heart broke. I did need her, really. I did want her.
But was I going to tell her that?

"What are you trying to say?" I butted in, clearly irritable.
"I'm saying that down here we found a portal Jesse. A portal for you to get home"
Of course.
It was so simple.
We didn't need the Eversource all along - it was the portal and the flint and steel.
"Yes.. So when you go through that portal, I want you to take this"
She bent down and took the crown off the chickens head "This.. this is for you to remember me by"
She placed it in my hand and clasped my hand shut. I stared down at it.
She really was giving up.
"You're staying here?" I spat out in disgust. Taken aback, she replied slowly "Well... yes.. I mean, I can't abandon my subjects Jesse..."
"Right but you can abandon your daughter?" I nearly cried out.
One minute ago she didn't want to lose me and now she was saying goodbye?!
"Jesse, no, that's not-"
"Oh my god!!" Petra yelled out.
Isa and I both turned our heads quickly as the citizens gasped by the commotion.
With tears running down his face, Lukas was slowly walking back up to us. In his arms, laid a very dead Aiden. My eyes widened in shock. The last time I saw him he was screaming and now.. now he looked like that.
To the right of me, I noticed Reginald looking at me. He knew what I was thinking. He knew it all.
Isa cried "Oh my goodness! Is that him?"
"It's Aiden" I gulped.
We gently yet hauntingly stepped toward Lukas who bent to his knees, laying Aiden on the floor.
Petra softly spoke "I'm so sorry Lukas.. Jesse said that he fell over the edge.."
I stood next to Petra and stared down at the body. His eyes were closed but his body looked extremely messed up.
Especially his stomach...
Wait what?
"If he fell then how do you explain this?!"
His stomach had blood all over it... coming from a.. stab wound?
Instantaneously, my eyes met Reginalds. He was just as confused as I was.
He saw me kill Aiden.
He saw.
But I never stabbed him.
I only pushed him.
"That's not even the worst part. Look at this!"
He thrusted a note from his pocket. The sides were drenched in Aiden's blood but the writing was clear

"Consider the extra stab in the body my present. Especially since you've done me a favour. -WP"

Who was WP?
But more importantly, how did they know I killed Aiden?
And were they on my side?
So many questions.
So little time.

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