Isa's History

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Screaming. Is all I could hear.
Cold gusts of air. Is all I could feel.
My mother. Is all I could think about.
Even falling through the air at 100's of miles per hour, it's all I could think about.
"We're gonna die!" She screamed. I'd let go of her naturally due to the fall but I could still hear her.
But I wasn't gonna die. Not like this. Not without answers. Not without even more revenge now.
As we got closer to the Earth, I noticed... water! That was it! That's how we wouldn't die.
"Aim for the water!" I screamed back at her.
She looked and noticed it too.
Splash! We both landed in the water with a thunderous splash. I couldn't believe it. We'd survived. I arose back to the surface, coughing and spluttering as did she. We swam over to some nearby land, to which shocked her.
"Oh my goodness. I haven't seen land in.. so long.." She spoke whilst coughing as she sat on the grass. I stood up and twisted my hair to stop it from being soaking.
Now I could think.
I stared at her. How did I not see the resemblance before? She looked exactly like me! But of course, she was a lot older.
Her eyes met mine and she stood up, whilst twisting her yellow and black dress. For a moment, there was dead silence.
"Are you alright?" I nodded toward her shoulder. It was bleeding quite a bit. She looked down and pressed on it before nodding "It's okay. I'm okay"
Silence again.
"So can you explain now?" I asked, as bitter as I could.
I wasn't letting her get away easily with this.
She sighed in agreeance "Yes I can."
"Go on then"
She looked at me slightly taken aback by my hostility before explaining herself "So.. in your world. Things were not so great. I was.. well.."
"I was... a criminal"
Wow. And she was so hard on accusing me of one.
"I know it sounds hypocritical but when I was pregnant with you and before that I.. I was just a ruthless criminal who quite frankly didn't care about anyone or anything. I raided people, I robbed people, I abused people.. I even nearly killed someone. I was awul. That was until I had you. Things changed then"
"Then why haven't you been around?" I stiffly cut her off. She wasn't going to sweet talk me with the whole "I changed her life" crap.
"Because my crimes had caught up with me. It had gotten to the point where if I didn't surrender, I would be most likely be thrown in jail for the rest of my life"
I watched her. Her eyes filled with tears again.
"I'd just given birth to you next to the water fountain I told you about. It was a dark night and I'd had to give birth to you alone, in the cold. That was until someone found me"
"You may have heard of him, he is quite legendary"
"Who?" I repeated myself.
"Soren the Architect?"
"You know him?"
"Damn right I know him, he is the reason my best friend is dead!"
Her eyes widened in disbelief.
"No.. no that couldn't have been Soren. The Soren I knew promised me he would take care of you. He.. he let me escape from the guards by sending me through a portal.. To Sky City..."
I couldn't believe it.
Soren must've known who I was.
I mean I know I changed in 17/18 years, but I'm the spitting image of her! He had to have known!
We both stood there not knowing what to say for a moment. Quietly, she looked at me with sympathy lingering in her eyes "I am so sorry.. I thought I left you in good care.."
"Yeah well you didn't."
"I'm going to make this up to you, I promise" She winced slightly on her promise. Blood was streaming through her fingers where she clutched onto her wound.
"You need to stay here and bandage your wound up"
"I'm gonna build my way back up there. I have to stop Aiden"
"Then I'm coming too"
"No, you can't."
"This is not up for negotiation"
Typical. I'd known the woman 5 minutes and she was already trying to be a parent to me.
"Isa. That's my name, Although I'd prefer if you call me-"
I cut her off. I didn't even want to hear that word from her mouth again.
"Isa. You are too injured. You need to stay here and-"
Both of us instantly turned around to see a body flop into the water.
What the heck?
I rushed up to the edge of the water to see...
He coughed and spluttered, but his eyes were wide "Jesse?!"
Stepping into the water, I pulled him out. He wringed his jacket out then turned to me "I am so glad to see you"
He hugged me. Again, this hugging thing was weird.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Isa watching us. I pulled away from the friendly embrace to where Lukas gasped at Isa's injury "Boy he got you good"
Isa nodded "He did.. I want to apologise. To you and to you Jesse. I should've never trusted that lowlife"
"It's okay, we understand"
He understands more like.
I turned to him "Hows it going up there? How.. how's Petra?"
I had to ask about her first. In the midst of this madness, I'd almost forgotten about her.
"She's being held captive by the Blaze Rods but it's not good up there.. Aiden's using the spawn eggs to cause havoc to Sky City"
He said the last sentence uncomfortably, maintaining eye contact with a furious Isa. She staggered slightly toward me "This is why I need to go back up there Jesse. I have to save my citizens"
"No. You're too injured I told you that"
Lukas watched awkwardly between us both. I turned to him "Lukas, stay here and make a bandage or something for Isa. I'm gonna go back up there and stop him"
"No!" Isa protested "Please don't go. I don't want you getting hurt or even worse. I just found you again Jesse.. I can't lose you"
Her words tingled up inside.
I almost caved in.
But then I remembered why I had to return.
"I've survived worse than this"
"What ever could be worse than this?!"
"Well considering we took down a Witherstorm that murdered my best friend in front of my eyes and in turn became the new Order of the Stone, I would say a lot worse."
She stared at me gobsmacked
Turning to Lukas, I finally said "I'll be back. I promise."

As I walked away to gather resources, I heard Lukas say one last thing.
"... Please hurry"

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