So Then There Were 3

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- 1 month earlier, 2 days after the kiss-

For under 48 hours, I tried my possible best to avoid Petra at all costs. I'd had to speak to her on small occassions but they were awkward and tense. I hated myself for just lunging at her like that but I also was really angry at her. Yeah, she didn't like me kissing her but did she have to act so disgusted? Like it was a crime that I had done such a terrible thing? That was sarcasm.
I mean it's not like I killed a guy, I just kissed my friend. Who rejected me in one of the worst possible ways. I cringed at the thought as I walked outside of the temple. The sun was shining brightly and all the locals were wandering around. I spotted Axel nearby a tree so I walked over to him. "Hey Axel"
"Hey Jesse! Listen can you do me a favour?"
"Sure what is it?"
"Can you go down to the Market for me? I mean I'd go myself but I'm watching out for that thief. According to my sources, they were last spotted there" He pointed toward a few shops that were almost opposite of Ivor's not-so-dangerous lava house. Raising my eyebrows, I reminded him "Who are your sources? Because I remember your sources from last time, they didn't exist"
"That's before we became all cool and popular"
"True I suppose"
"You know who I think made us popular?"
Who? It was a thing, not a person. Defeating that Witherstorm made us popular with people, not that I was so thrilled with the overwhelming crowds of people always wanting to talk to you.
I frowned "How did she make us popular?"
"Well think about it, if she hadn't have been there at Endercon that day and talked you into being friends with Lukas, you would've never told me and then we would've never gotten his help to get inside Endercon!"
I didn't like this.
I didn't want to admit that she was the reason we were famous. Axel, Olivia... Reuben, and I - we had always been the losers and then we finally became winners.
"She didn't defeat the Witherstorm though"
"Well she helped her best Jesse"
"She still didn't do it. The 4 of us did. Not Petra or Lukas or-"
"Well technically Lukas and the Ocelots DID-"
"Okay what do you want from the Market Axel?"
I didn't wanna listen to this bull crap anymore. WE were the reasons for our fame. Not her.
"Just some meat please. Need some good food for this stakeout"
I nodded and walked away. Walking down the streets of this place felt quite awkward at times. People would often stare as I walked on by, or they'd take pictures or rush up to me. That was the worst when we were in a hurry. But I guess we asked for it when we saved the world.
I arrived at the Market and looked at all the meat they had on offer. Steak, lamb, rabbit, ... bacon.
I didn't want to look anymore. I felt sick. Why would they sell that here?
"Hey" I called the shop owner "Why do you sell this?" I sounded disgusted. Because I truly was.
He shrugged "It's food?"
"Not here its not"
Without thinking, I grabbed all the bacon I could and walked away from the Market. The owner shouted back for me and locals watched shocked.
I ignored him and continued walking. Approaching a trash can, I threw it all in. The owner appeared by my side angry "Look kid, you do not get to throw out my best food!"
"And you do not get to sell bacon here out of respect for my pig!!"
Suddenly, Petra arrived by our side. Great. She looked between the two of us "What's going on here?"
"She threw out all my best food! That has to last me until the end of the month!"
She looked at me before turning fully toward the owner "It's alright, I'll replace it"
What the f-
"Thankyou" He walked away still angry. I grabbed Petra's arm, spinning her round, quickly letting go so she couldn't be disgusted again.
"What the hell did you say that for?!"
"Jesse it's just food, jeez"
"Just food? Bacon IS Reuben!"
She sighed "You can't just go around stopping people from eating it because of him. People need to eat here, we're already low on food as it is"
"I don't care, they shouldn't eat it here! It's disrespectful for him, god I thought you would understand that!"
It was my turn to be disgusted now.
"Hey, I do understand!" She protested "But you can't do that Jesse. We want the people to like us, not hate us."
"If it meant defending Reuben's honour, then I'd rather them hate me"
She rolled her eyes, infuriating me even more. "Sorry Jesse but you're being ridiculous."
She began to walk away when I cut her tracks with my words "No, what's ridiculous is being such a bitch to me"
She turned around. "What did you say?"
"You know what I said. First the other day, now this."
"Because you kissed me Jesse! Out of nowhere!"
"Why is that such a bad thing?" I asked. I wish I hadn't but I had to know.
She looked confused for a moment before protesting  "Because it is!"
I didn't know what else to say. I stood there, looking slightly dumbfounded but hurt. After a moment, I sighed "Fine. How do we move forward from this then?"
"I don't think we can"
"Wait what?"
"I just.. I don't know I need time"
Blinking tears away, I put a stone cold face on and replied "Then maybe you should have your time away from the Order"
"What?" She asked
"You heard"
"Fine." She replied bitterly. She threw her pickaxe what she was carrying over her shoulder and walked away. And that was the last I saw of her.

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