Convincing Reginald

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Without responding, I switched the lever up, releasing Ivor and Lukas out of the jail. As they walked out, Lukas leant forward.
What was he doing?
He wrapped his arms around me.. tightly.. for a moment. It felt weird. He'd never hugged me before.
"Thanks Jesse. I knew you'd come through" He smiled as he pulled away. Returning the smile slightly, I shrugged "Anything for you guys"
I looked back to the prison door to notice Petra. Instead of watching for the guard, she was looking at us. As soon as my eyes met hers however, she turned away.
Ivor turned toward us "Theres no time to lose. We have to go and get that Flint and Steel now! And the Eversource too!"
Lukas didn't look too fond of the idea "What if this pet doesn't help? Not only will we be put back in jail, but they'll never trust us again."
He was right there.
"Or get revenge on the Blaze Rods"
Lukas frowned as he turned to me. Because they were his ex friends, he probably wasn't too fond of me and the whole revenge idea. "That's not a priority right now. What we need is to get home"
"And to stop the Blaze Rods. They don't deserve to get away with this Lukas"
Ivor nodded "Jesse has a point. They need to be stopped. Whether we get this Eversource or not, the Blaze Rod children cannot get their hands on it"
From down the hall, Petra shouted "Guys can you hurry up?! Less talking?!"
Forgot about the whole plan operation.
We ran as fast as we could down the hall to where Petra was stood. She looked worried as she put her fingers to her lips "I think I hear footsteps. Be quiet."
All of us near enough held our breath, waiting for the footsteps to dissappear.
"Can we go now?" I whispered. I hated waiting.
She looked around and then nodded "Yes. Lets go"
One at a time, we all left the prison block and found a stairwell. The area was improving so we must be close. No damaged walls or cracks. Just more iron and gold.
Slowly, we crept up the stairs as silently as we could-
Instantaneously, the tanned guard drew back his sword at the top of the stairwell as his eyes met mine. We already has ours drew, but we became even more alert. My heart pounded.
I recognised this guard. He'd chased after me.
"You! The criminals.. and you two! The prisoners!"
He was definietly going to turn us in. I had to stop him.
"Wait. Hear us out."
"Please" Lukas pleaded "We're not the bad guys here I promise"
"It's true" Petra added
The guard looked between us and scoffed "Why should I believe you? You broke our most sacred law! No unauthorised building!"
Ivor rolled his eyes "It's not like we knew that."
The guard almost growled in anger at Ivor's careless attitude. Petra butted in "What Ivor meant to say was that no, we didn't know that it was a law but you have much bigger problems!"
He tilted his head slightly and furrowed his brows "Like what?"
Lukas stepped aside Petra and I and stood in front of me. He tried to walk a little closer but the guard pointed at his sword to stay where he was. Lukas stared worriedly at the guard.

Was he?
"Those Blaze Rods? They plan to steal your Eversource"
We didn't exactly know that as a fine fact but I wouldn't put it past them. But we nee- well we didn't need it.
But if Aiden wanted something, I wanted it even more.
The guard looked at Lukas in disbelief "And how do you know this exactly?"
"I know from when the Founder questioned Ivor and I."
Wait when did this happen??
"The way he looked at us. The way he acted around the Founder. He wants that Eversource and you know it"
Ivor and I looked at eachother. There was no chance in us getting it now. Not if the guard believed Lukas anyway. The guard gripped his chin and his eyes wandered around, considering Lukas' input.
He turned to Lukas and sighed "You may have a point. But I cannot go against the Founders wishes. I am her head guard."
"Then as her head guard, you need to do something about this. Reginald right? You need to for everyones sake." Lukas responded with determination.
So that was his name. Reginald.
After a moment, Reginald nodded "Okay. I see. But not until you are back in your jail cells"
Wait what?!
"What?!" I growled angrily.
"You are criminals! If the Founder sees that I am helping you and disobeying her orders then I'll be fired!"
"Do we look like criminals to you?! I mean maybe him" Petra pointed to Ivor "But not us"
"Hey!" Ivor protested.
She continued "If you let us prove Aiden is bad you can lock us up afterwards. Please Reginald"
There was no way I was getting locked up but I couldn't argue about that right now. I nodded in agreeance.
He scratched his head...
and caved "Alright alright. Fine"
The others grinned as I smiled. Ivor was behind me so I couldn't see what expression he was pulling but I knew he wasn't going to be happy with Lukas. Ivor loved his treasures.
I just wanted it to get revenge on Aiden. Depending on what this "pet" actually does.
Reginald looked around then beckoned us to come forward. We all stepped out of the stairwell to be in a hallway "Okay. I will go and gather the Founder. You, stay here."
Surprisingly, he took off.
Ivor stood in front of us and raised his eyebrow "Did he seriously just leave us alone?"
"I guess so"

Just as I spoke. I heard noises coming from the door in front of us.
"Do you guys hear that?" I asked
Petra took the lead as she replied "Yes".
Slowly, we crept up to the door that lead out into a massive room. Through the window panes of the door, we saw...
Gil! And Maya!
"Jackpot" I muttered to myself, slightly smirking.
"Sh" Ivor signalled and we stood close to the door, listening.

Gil flicked a lever switch which opened up to be a minecart rail in a secret passageway. "This the place?"
Maya nodded "Yep. Aiden says it should be down here"
"What are we waiting for? Lets go!"
They both hopped into the minecart and rode away, the door closing after them.

Now we knew where they were. And we were going to get that revenge, whether the others liked it or not.

(So in case you guys are confused, Petra doesnt care about the Eversource, Lukas wants the city to keep the Eversource, Ivor wants it for the group, and Jesse wants to keep it to herself. And also Milo wants it for Build Club lol)

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