Nine Questions

548 35 8

10pm Athlone, Ireland
2pm LA, California

Jack: I can't sleep! D:

Mark: What's wrong now

Jack: I think I drank too much coffee =(

Mark: So wutchu want me to do

Jack: Call me! :D

Mark: Idk

Mark: I remember last time we talked

Mark: My ears r still ringing

Jack: Come oooon

Mark: Ok ok hold on

Jack: Yay!

So again, Mark went to Jack's contact. But before he could press call, Jack beat him to it. Mark chuckled at how much he wanted to talk to him. He quickly answered the call. "Hi-please don't shout at me." He said as he moved the receiver away from his ear a bit.

He heard Jack laugh at his statement. Mark instantly fell in love with it. "Relax I'm not gonna shout at you." He told him, a smile still on his face. That was the first time he got to hear his voice properly.

"So you can't sleep again huh." He said as he put the phone back up to his ear. "Yeah. Too much caffeine for my little body." Jack chuckled as he spun around in his chair. "I'm drinking tea." Mark said as he took a sip.

"Coffee isn't good for little Irish ducklings. No more for you." He told him. Jack laughed and even blushed a little hearing him say the nickname he gave him out loud. "But...Daddyyyy.~" Mark's eyes widened and he nearly spit out all of his tea when he heard that.

He swallowed it quickly and coughed a little. Jack knew very well that that would happen. "Ok ground rules. If you keep calling me that in real life I might die and you'll be accused of murder."

"Ok I won't do it again, Daddy."


He burst out into laughter, loving how much he somewhat irritated him. Mark found it contagious and started laughing himself. "Oh my god I love your laugh." Jack told him. "I bet I can imitate it." Mark raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"You can't make your voice that deep."

"Are you not taking my word??" Mark then remembered the last two times Jack proved him wrong. "Alright go for it." Jack then did an impressively accurate impression of Mark's laugh. Mark turned red when he did.

"I don't sound like that!" He lied, knowing that was exactly how he sounded. "Yea you do!" He copied him once again to prove him wrong. Eventually, Mark laughed at his impression and quickly stopped once he realized that he did.

"See!" He said as he caught him. They were having so much fun talking that they hadn't noticed the thirty minutes that went by. Then Jack finally yawned. "Getting tired now?" Mark asked him. "Yeah...I laughed all the energy out of my system."

"Ok well I'll let you rest. Talk to you later."

"Wait." Mark halted as he was about to end the call. "Could you...stay on the phone again?" He requested, his voice going quiet. "Of course." Mark agreed. Jack smiled and put the phone on speaker, lying it on the same spot he had it before.

He lied down next to it and awaited the expected humming. And sure enough, that's what he heard. Mark's low soothing baritone voice filling the room. He closed his eyes as Mark softly sung him to sleep.

Mark soon heard the familiar sounds of his quiet snores and smiled. He felt like Jack needed him there. Though they've only known each other for about two and a half weeks now, he felt like he needed to take care of him.

But he couldn't actually feel that way about him...could he? He didn't even know his true sexuality. But he knows his. He stayed on the phone a little longer as he contemplated it. Before he hung up, a few extra words trailed out of his mouth.

"I love you..."

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