Thirty Eight Gamblers

374 21 6

9pm Athlone, Ireland
1pm LA, California

Felix: U haven't responded to me for three hourrrrrss

Felix: I swear we didn't sniiiitch

Felix: or at least I didn't

Felix: David idk ._.

Jack: oh hey Felix

Jack: No its not that

Jack: I've been thinking about other stuff

Felix: spill it to me man

Jack: Ok

Jack: But first

Jack: promise you won't tell Mark about this...?

Felix: oh

Felix: this must be serious

Felix: ok promise I won't tell

Jack: well

Jack: the other night I told Mark I had a nightmare

Jack: But I didn't tell him about it

Felix: How bad was it?

Jack: more like...terrifying

Jack: I don't know if it had to do with what you said about Joey but

Jack: it was about him stealing me away from Mark

Jack: And I was so mean...

Jack: I didn't even care about him anymore

Jack: And he was trying so hard to win me back while all I did was turn my back to him

Jack: in the end...

Jack: He gave up...

Jack: And...

Jack: ...

Felix: ...what happened...?

Jack: he...

Jack: hung himself...

Jack: 😟

Felix: damn...

Felix: That's crazy

Jack: I know

Jack: I texted him at 2am and told him I just needed to get back into reality

Jack: when I was really just trying to see if he was still there...

Jack: Fuck, now I'm crying

Felix: No Jack don't cry

Felix: it was just a nightmare I'm sure it meant nothing

Jack: I hope not

Felix: Just remember Mark loves you with all his heart

Felix: and I know you love him just as much

Felix: as long as you believe you'd never do that to Mark :)

Jack: Thanks Felix

Jack: You always know what to say :)

Felix: Anytime bro 😉

Felix: Now that we've gotten that out of the wayyyy

Felix: would it make you feel better to be the first to meet Ken?

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