Fifty Four Kills

316 20 3

12pm LA, California

"MARK!!! FHÁIL AR AIS ANSEO!!!!!" Jack chased him down the stairs. "What's so bad in here that you don't want me to see it??" Mark laughed, keeping his sweater out of reach. "Nothing you should be concerned about!"

Mark felt around the sweater pockets. "Oh but I think it iiisss."


"What is going on in here???" David asked as he came from the kitchen. Jack pinned Mark down to the floor and tickled his sides. Mark laughed and lost his grip on the sweater, giving Jack the opportunity to grab it.

He was glad it hadn't fallen out of the pockets.

But apparently he thought too soon. Mark grabbed his butt, making him yelp and drop the sweater, making the thing fall out. "Oh! Is this what it was?" Mark picked up the shock collar that Jack smuggled into his pocket without David noticing.

He blushed intensely and crossed his arms, his eyes shifting to the left with an embarrassed smile. "I knew it! Told ya he'd bring it with him."

"I fucking hate youuuu." Jack covered his face. "Hey don't be embarrassed." Believe me, I'm very glad you brought it along."

"You're not winning so you're not using it!"

"We'll see about that."

Jack groaned got off of him. "Well you wouldn't have brought it if you knew you'd win now would you?"

"Just..I don't know!"

"Questions will be answered tonight huh?" David said as he took a sip of water. Chica walked by into the kitchen to her bowl. "That's like the third time she went to eat today. And it's only 1pm." Mark said.

David nearly choked as he'd gotten an idea of why she was doing that. "Oh hey I forgot I had to do a thing right about now, see ya later." He walked out the front door. Mark got up and walked over to Chica.

"Hey Chica Bica. Why you so hungry?" He pet her. She let out a small growl and he stopped. "She just growled at me?" He said in confusion. "Maybe she wants to eat in peace." Jack walked over to her.

Mark took a second to think. She'd thrown up some time earlier too. Once he'd put the pieces together, he was furious. "RYAN!!!!!!!!!!" He got up and ran upstairs. Jack laughed as he'd realized what was going on as well.

"Looks like you're gonna be a mama, Chica!" Jack clapped. "IT WASN'T MY FAULT I'M SORRY!!" Ryan shouted as he ran down the stairs. "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS TO MEXICO." He chased him out the house.

Jack laughed harder. Lego came from another room. "Better go hide, buddy. Once Mark comes back, you're next."

Lego whimpered and ran off somewhere. "Hey Jack where'd Ry go?" Matt asked as he came down. "Right now I'd say just on the verge of death."

"What?? Why??"

He pointed to Chica. "Oooooooh. Chica must be...oooohhhh shit. Any idea which way they went?"

"Out and to the left."

"K thanks." Soon he was out the door too. Jack was just relieved Mark was too occupied to worry about the shock collar at the moment. He got up and put it in his suitcase.

"Ah!! Jesus Joey!!" He jumped and put his hand to his chest. Joey laughed. "Sorry did I scare you?"

"Yes! Geez is did everyone move upstairs??"

"I think so. Where'd everyone else go?"

"Outside somewhere. David left. Mark's chasing Ryan down, and Matt went to find them. I'm guessing Felix is still sleeping."

"Why's Mark chasing Ryan?"

"Chica's pregnant."

Joey gasped. "Oh my goodness! That's amazing!"

"Right? Little Legos and Chicas running around the house! Imma come up with names for them right now!"

"Ok one of them has to be named Chico-"

"QUICK HIDE ME. I THINK I LOST HIM FOR NOW." Ryan ran in the house. "Um. Hide in the closet in our room." Ryan ran and did so. Soon Mark came through the door.


Jack shrugged and hummed. "I KNOW HE TOLD YOU."

"Hmm maybe I missed him. I didn't see him pass b-"

Mark grabbed him and kissed him. "Upstairs in our room closet."

"Thanks baby." He ran up the stairs. "You just sold him out." Joey told him. "I know, dammit how'd he do that!?"

"Fell right into that kiss didn't you?"

"I'm a slut for Markikisses."

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