Fifty Two Parties

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6am LA, California

Jack was fast asleep just as David said he'd be. His head rested on David's shoulder. He would've been annoyed about it if he hadn't been focusing on getting Mark's surprise done correctly.

By the time they landed, it was around 6am. "Birthday boy wake up." David shook him. Jack groaned and lifted his head up, looking around here. "We're here already?? I swear we just got on."

"You slept through the whole flight." David laughed as he grabbed their luggage. "Whatever we're here now!" Jack said happily and hopped up as well. They got everything and got off the plane.

Jack looked around for Mark. But instead, he saw Ryan walking up to him with a big smile on his face. Jack gasped. "Ry!" He hugged him. "Sup dude! Happy birthday!"

"Thank you! But hey, where's Mark?"

"He wanted me to pick you up instead so he can make sure your little surprise is ready!"

"Oh yayy!!!!" Jack jumped happily. Ryan laughed. "Hey you're David! Did you bring Joe????" He asked eagerly. David shook his head. "Nope. Left him back with Gizmo." Ryan pouted. "Awww."

"Nuff of that. Let's go let's go!" Jack ran ahead to the car he saw Ryan come out of. Ryan chuckled and opened the trunk for him to put his things inside. They got in the car and headed to Mark's place which was about twenty minutes away.

Though they knew it was a bit early, so they decided they'd look around LA for a bit. "So did you ever find Lego and Chica?" Jack asked. "Unfortunately, no. We were hoping you could help us though."

"I'd be happy to! You guys must be worried sick."

"Mark most of all. But he says today is more important at the moment, so he's putting all his time into making your visit awesome!"

"Awe so sweet of him. But I guess Jack is a dog too." David joked.

"What? No I'm not."

"Yeah you are, bitch."

Jack laughed. "Fuck you." He flipped him off in the back seat.

Later on, they'd finally arrived to the house. And you'd think Jack was already excited enough.

He didn't even take the time to grab his things before running up to the door. "Hurry up slow pokes!" He shouted to David and Ryan. "Geez no need to rush! You have way too much energy in that tiny 5'9 body."

Ryan took out the house keys and unlocked the front door. He opened it slowly and so far, everything looked normal. Though Jack admired his household. "Mark? Matt?" He called out.

He was confused for a second. What was going on? Was it all just a ruse? Mark wouldn't do that, would he? He looked around corners and down hallways. His excitement died down a bit.

"Where is every..." When he turned around, David and Ryan were gone. "" He finished his sentence. Now he was extremely confused. "Guys?"

He noticed a note tied to the handle of his suitcase. He took it off and opened it.

'Poof! We're gone! Lol don't worry, your surprise is just inches away now! Go on! Bubble will lead the way!!'

Jack tilted his head. 'Bubble?' He thought. Then he heard a tiny bark down next to his feet. She ran in little circles and wagged her tail. Jack laughed. "Hey girl! You suppose to be taking me somewhere?" He pet her.

She responded with another bark and ran a few feet away from him before waiting for him to follow. He chuckled and did as she wanted. She stopped at the back door and turned to him.

"Here? You want me to go here?" He asked her. She barked once again. He stepped up to the backdoor. His heart was pounding. Anything could happen beyond that point.

He opened the door and his hands almost immediately went over his mouth.

"SURPRIIIIISE!!" Everyone, Matt, Ryan, David, Felix, and of course, Joey shouted. Even Bubble howled in unison with their tone. There were balloons, cakes-yes, more than one cake.

There were cookies and what looked like a buffet table and the TV was extended outside alone with the Ps4 and multiple game choices. Not to mention the pool. Jack had no words at the moment.

Bubble ran and came back with a bracelet half the size of her little head. Jack uncovered his mouth to reveal his everlasting smile. "Awe thank you!" He said as he received it.

On the bracelet read, 'Mark&Jack Forever and Ever❤' Engraved in pure silver. Speaking of which,


Before Jack could ask, he was swept off his feet in one swift movement. "Missed me?" Mark gave him an inspirtiting smile. "Markyyy!!!!" He hugged him tightly. Jack had tears of joy in his eyes.

He gave him a bigger kiss than the one he gave him when they first met in person. Everyone awed and cheered. "Happy birthday, Jackaboy." Mark told him with another kiss on the cheek.

"Ooooh thank you all so much, this is awesome!!"

"Quick, how do you feel right now?"

Jack's response was a scream that of a Japanese school girl. "Oh wow that answers that." Mark laughed. "We knew you'd love it! Fuck yeah bros!" Felix shouted. "Of course he does, we went all out!" Joey commented.

"I hope you brought potatoes because Mark cooked the last of them." Matt stated. Jack laughed. "It's so good to see you all here!" He wiped his eyes. Everyone went up to him and gave him one big group hug.

"Now let's give the birthday duckling the best day of his life!!" Mark said aloud. Everyone very much agreed. Jack didn't feel like he deserved to be treated so amazingly. But he appreciated every bit of it.

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