Five Calls

601 33 51

4am Athlone, Ireland
8pm LA, California

Jack: Hey...

Jack: I know you're probably not there but I just wanted to see if you would answer

Jack: You're probably asleep

Jack: I'll leave you alone

Mark: Hey what's up

Jack: Nothing much

Mark: Are you ok?

Mark: You don't seem like yourself

Jack: Just a lot of stuff going on lately and I need someone to talk to...

Mark: Oh what happened?

Mark: If you don't mind me asking

Jack: Someone broke into my house and took a bunch of stuff

Jack: Even my dog is gone...

Mark: Oh man that's messed up

Mark: Is that why you had to go the other day?

Jack: Yeah

Jack: Luckily my computer and everything in my room is still here

Jack: But a lot of other stuff is missing

Jack: Stuff that's important to me

Mark: I'm so sorry to hear that

Jack: It's fine...

Jack: I'm too afraid to go to sleep so I decided to text you

Mark: Do you maybe want to talk to me for a bit?

Mark: Over the phone?

Jack: I don't know

Jack: We've never talked before

Mark: It'll be fine

Mark: I'll call you ok

Jack: Ok...

Mark went into his contacts and straight to Jack's. He hesitated a little, not knowing what would happen during the call. But Jack was upset and needed someone to talk to. He couldn't just leave him there.

So he finally pressed call and waited. The phone rang once, then twice. Then it stopped. He knew that he picked up. When he did, his mind froze. He didn't really know what to say to him. But he heard him sniffle on the other end.

He was crying. Mark immediately responded to it. "Are you ok...?" He asked softly desperately waiting for an answer. "I'm alright..." Jack's voice was shaky along with his steady breaths. Mark knew that wasn't really true.

"It's ok...don't cry...did you call the police?" He wanted to make sure though he was almost certain he did. "Yeah...they said they were going to search for the person..." He explained as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"That's good. If you still can't sleep, just put the phone on speaker and lie it down next to you." Jack did as he told and put it on speaker. Placing the phone on the other pillow of his bed. He put the cover over him and lied there next to it.

"I'll be right here if you still feel scared. And I won't hang up until I know you're asleep." He told him in a calm comforting tone. His voice was soothing to Jack's ears. Mark started humming a familiar tune ever so softly to help him rest.

A faint smile grew on Jack's face as he closed his eyes. About five minutes passed by when Mark finally started to hear quiet snores from the other end. He smiled as he heard the shuffles from him trying to get comfortable.

He stayed on a little longer to make sure he didn't wake up from a nightmare or something along those lines. When he felt it was long enough, he ended the call, still looking down at Jack's contact. He was happy that he was able to help him out.




Pewdiepie invited Markiplier to a group chat

Matt: What up Mark

Ryan: Sup

Felix: Hey Mark

Felix: Did Jack tell u where he went?

Mark: Yeah

Mark: He found out that his house got robbed and he had to go asap

Felix: Oh

Matt: Damn I feel bad for him

Ryan: Same I've never been robbed before

Felix: Is he ok?

Mark: Yeah he couldn't sleep so I stayed on the phone with him until he was able to just now

Felix: Awe that's sweet :)

Matt: Really?

Matt: Nice dude

Ryan: What did he sound like?

Mark: I couldn't really tell

Mark: He was crying and he was quiet

Mark: But I heard the accent though

Matt: Oh no crying duckling!

Matt: D:

Felix: He must've really been upset

Mark: I would be too if somebody stole my dog


Mark: Yes




Matt: Same tho

Felix: People can be so cruel

Mark: I know

Mark: Hopefully he'll be better when he wakes up

Matt: Hey Mark

Mark: Yeah

Matt: Did u sing to him

Mark: ...

Mark: ...maybe...


Felix: Kawaii

Mark: Shut up >_<

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