Chapter 2

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"Pel, would you take their order over there? My hands are full already." Ms. Farely, my co-employee and boss in 'Recipe for Goodness' restaurant, pleaded me. It's been a day now and my heart was still aching. But then I decided to put it aside during the weekend and just deal with more important matters, like my part time job.

"Sure thing. Where exactly?" I asked her. She pointed to a table where a couple sat. I was about to protest, but then she already left. I internally groaned. Really? Is fate really this mean to me?

Even if I hated to go to that table, my feet seem to have their own minds because before I knew it, I was heading towards the two star cross lovers. "Uh hello. What can I do for you?"

"Oh hey, fat head." I winced as I heard Kate called me names. You see, I was her favorite target to bully since I always looked weak and she also knew that I had a secret crush on Jay. Usually, I talk back but I was kinda shy seeing that Jay was there in front of me.

"Kate." Jay suddenly called her from her teasing with a deep voice. Ah, Jay, my hero. One of the reasons why I liked him. His kind heartedness. "Uh sorry 'bout that..." he took the time to look at my name tag. "Pel." You see, I might be madly in love with this boy in front of me right now but that doesn't mean he knew me. Sure we had some classes together but we never really talked. He always remained the popular guy while I was the invisible one. Cliche, I know.

Once I noticed that I was practically drooling over him, I cleared my throat a bit while adjusting my thick rimmed glasses and said my daily dialogue. "Well, welcome to Recipe for Goodness. How may I help you?"

"Ugh." Kate groaned in disgust as she scanned the menu. "Do you even have anything edible here?"

"Umm...we do have fruits and vegetable salad if you don't want carbs." I suggested. She was obviously anorexic.

"Well, then I'll get that. And I'll also get tea." she stated. I scribbled her order as I turned my gaze to Jay, waiting for him to state his order as well. But then he took a while to choose, so I took the time to probably gape at him. But then Kate cleared her throat. I think she noticed that I was staring at her boyfriend. I saw her glare at me but I didn't really try to mind it.

"Ah, I'll just have an iced tea and a piece of apple pie." he finally said. I scribbled his order, then after, I gave them my most cheery smiles and told them that their order would be with them in five minutes. Then I slowly left there table and when I was far enough from there range, I gave a sigh of relief.

I went around the counter and clipped their order. Then I slumped on my seat behind the counter and rested my head and my arms on it as I stared at the couple who were currently talking about something. Since it was only in the afternoon, there were only a few customers which allows me to chill and have a break.

While watching Kate and Jay flirt with each other and having a hot make out session which makes my heart fall in to pieces a few minutes later, a hand suddenly landed on my shoulder. I almost jumped from my seat as I turned around to look at the person who almost killed me. Once I caught the glimpse of the person, I recognized her to be Lau. She took the seat next to me while giggling because of my deadly reaction.

"You know it's bad to stare at people especially when they're having their private moments." she retorted as she gestured to the table where I had my eyes glued earlier before.

"I know, Lau. But I just can't stop myself." I sighed.

"I know the feeling. Hold on there, Pel. You can make it." she said as she sent a pat on my back.

"Hmm. I don't think I can any longer." I sighed once again.

We stayed silent for a moment again until arms were suddenly wrapped around my torso. Again, I almost jumped from my seat because of pure surprise. I looked at the person and saw my other best friend Danny. He also worked here in the resaturant. Apparently, the three of us met in the restaurant when we were juniors. Then we've been best friend ever since. However Danny and I have a lot more in common than Lau and I. Lau was whiny and never really liked studies much but that was okay. I still love her. Danny, on the other hand, wore thick rimmed glasses just like me and we were both nerdy and weird. But it was pretty obvious that if you took off his glasses, gave him cooler outfits and fix his hair a bit, he'd turn out to be like the popular jocks in school. But I don't really get why he never liked 'fixing'. He liked his waxed flat hair and his glasses better.

"Gosh! Danny, You startled me." I said as I put my hand on my chest to steady my heartbeat.

"Sorry. Did you even forget that I work here?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"No! It's just, I wasn't expecting you to jump on me like that." I explained. Both Lau and him cracked a laugh. "Haha, very funny." I blurted with sarcasm.

"Anyway, so how are you and your mental heartbreak?" he asked as he rubbed his fist on my head like I was his little dog or something.

"Painful." was all I said as I rested my head on the counter again. He took a glance at the table I was currently looking at.

"Ah, I can see the reason why." he said as he finally saw the couple doing the digusting thing.

"Danny, could you cheer her up please?" Lau begged him.

"No problem." he retorted. Then after I knew what he was doing, he started tickling me. Did I mention that I was a very ticklish person?

"No! No! Danny, stop! ahahaha!!!" I laughed and shouted from the top of my lungs. Some of the customers glanced at us, curious of what the commotion was about. Including them was Jay and Kate. My laughing seemed to interrupt their make out session which I was very thankful for.


Danny immediately stopped tickling me when he heard Ms. Farely's shushing voice. While he was looking at her, I took the chance to slap his arm really hard.

"Oww! What was that for?" he whined as he rubbed his arm to relieve the pain.

"That's for tickling me and making me laugh loud." I told him as I adjusted my shirt and my glasses.

"Well, it did cheer you up, didn't it?"

"Yeah. And it did seem to stop them from doing the disgusting thing." I said as I nodded towards their table. "So thanks, too." I smiled at him.

"No probs, Pel." he said as he patted my back.


Hi! So this is the 2nd chapter of You Belong With Me. I hope you like it. However, the first few chapters will just show how Pel's life is running. But stay tuned, 'cause change will come real soon.

And please vote and comment. I'd really appreciate that. Thank you :)

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