Chapter 14

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"Uh..." was all I could say. We were still on the ground, him hovering over me and lips still miilimeters away.

"S-sorry about that." he finally stuttered as he tried to stand up after for what seemed like hours. When he did, he helped me up too.

"It's alright." I chuckled.

"So you forgive me now?" a smile crept up on his face.

"Hmm..." I hummed as I rubbed my chin with thumb and index finger. "I'm still thinking about it."

"Aww man." he whined as his shoulders slumped.

"Well, we could always watch movies in the living room while we wait for my decision." I smiled.

"Cool!" he fist pumped in the air, then he scurried out of my room, not even waiting for me. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head.

I climbed down the stairs as well and when I got to the bottom, I saw him looking for something in the cabinets in the kitchen. "What are you looking for?"

"Popcorn." he simply answered as he shuffled through the different food that were in them.

"It's just somewhere there. I'll pick a movie while you look for it. Kay?" I chirped.

"Kay. But make sure it's something both you and I like." he requested.

"Yes, sir." I mocked saluted. Then I headed towards the living room, opened a cabinet below the window and from there appeared our stack of DVD's. We had a lot I must say, but they're mostly for me only. So what shall it be? Star Wars, Harry Potter or Narnia? I gave myself a couple of options.

"I want Narnia." Danny answered from behind as if I had said my thoughts aloud which quite startled me. Good thing it wasn't that obvious.

"Narnia coming right up." I said as if I was a waitress, well I am in a way. I turned on the DVD player and put the disk right in. Then I sat on the couch beside Danny, who had a bowl of popcorn in one hand, and grabbed the remote to switch the TV on. And the movie starts!

While the movie was running though, I couldn't help but notice that Danny was moving closer to me, inch by inch. I was moving away from him too, but when I reached the end of the couch, I couldn't move anymore so I just stopped. When Danny was finally very close to me I felt him put his arm around my shoulder. I removed it, but he was too stubborn that he put it back. I shook my head and smiled at his gesture. I didn't mind it really. So I just leaned my head on his shoulder, his arm tightening his embrace on mine. It was the perfect best friend bonding time. :P

"Aw, man. Why do they have to leave?!" I whined as the three siblings' old selves went back to the the magic wardrobe and the movie ends.

"Pel, you've actually watched this over a billion times and yet you're still not used to how it ends." Danny complained as he pointed to the screen.

"I don't give a damn. It's always new to me." I gathered my knees up to my chest. He just shook his head in return. I quickly grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. "So what movie are we going to watch next?" I sighed.

"I'm a bit tired." he told me as he yawned and stretched his arms as if he just woke up.

"You're no fun." I pouted.

"Hey. You haven't even forgiven me yet." he said, his eyes looking all sleepy.

"Of course I have. Would I be watching a movie with you if I didn't?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

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