Chapter 8

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"What's the capital of Georgia?" Danny asked me.

"Pshh. What is this? Kindergarten? The question is so easy." I bragged.

"Then answer it." he demanded.

"Atlanta of course." we've been asking each other questions for about 30 minutes now. I even think that we're taking up our whole lunch time just for this. We were in the library so that no one can disturb our mini quiz bee. Lau was the one scoring. So far, Danny and I were still a tie. "My turn to ask." I said as I grabbed my math notebook.

"What subject?" he asked as he took a peek of the paper I was writing on.

"A problem in algebra." I grinned evilishly as I answered his question. I gave him the paper and after a few minutes, he finished answering. I looked at the paper and saw that it was correct. "Correct." I told him, frowning.

"Aww, was Pel expecting a wrong answer?" he cooed.

"Shut up, Danny." I snapped at him playfully.

"Ughh." Lau groaned. "Aren't we finished yet? I'm starving."

"Not yet, Lau." I told her.

"We're not eating until someone wins." Danny added.

"Can we not just accept that you two are complete geniuses who have equal minds?" she whined. "I mean, clearly, there's no one going to win in this stupid quiz bee since your scores are always tied."

"No way. I'm gonna prove that I'm smarter than Danny." I pouted.

"What?!" he protested. "I'm smarter than you, missy."

"No, I am." I defended.

"Me." he answered back.

"No, me!" I shouted.

"Shh!" someone shooshed. I turned around and saw the librarian glaring at me. I smiled at her apologetically and turned back to my friends.

"Hah! I bet your smart enough to know that this is a library, Pel." Danny teased as a smirk appeared on his face at the same time snickering.

"Shut up, Danny." I glared at him.

"Okay, okay, guys. Stop fighting. Let's just continue this so we'll know who's smarter." Lau butted in.

"Fine." I responded as I crossed my arms on my chest. "Your turn to ask, Daniel Harper."

"Okay. Who first discovered the diffraction of light and what was he?"

"Hmm, tough one." I said as I rubbed my chin. "Ah. It was Francesco Grimaldi and he was a Jesuit. Hah! Nailed it!"

"Shh! If you make noise again, I'll have to force you to leave, Ms. Myers." the librarian reprimanded me.

"Um...sorry." I answered back. I could just imagine her shaking her head of dissaproval behind me.

"When will you actually realize that this is a library and you're not allowed to make noise? I thought you're smart, Pel." he mocked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I disturb your little pea brain because of my noise?" I mocked back.

"Guys, focus." Lau admonished. I seldomly see her become sober and all. Due to starvation, maybe it has done something to her way of thinking.

"Sorry." I patted her back. "Well, it's my turn."

"Fire away." Danny said as he crossed his arms on his chest and rested his back on the chair.

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