Chapter 17

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“Lau!” I called for my best friend’s name.

“Just keep still.” She said, holding my head still.

“But it really hurts!”  I whined, not keeping still at all. Well, what would you do if someone was plucking your eye brows. You wouldn’t stop shifting and wincing would you?

“Ahahahaha!!!” Danny laughed hysterically, holding his stomach while sitting on my bed and watching me suffer hell. I wanted to throw him my shoe but as Lau said I need to keep still.

Was it really this hard to get ready for someone you’ve had a crush on for years? It sure is… sacrificing. Well, it is Valentine’s Day. I better make the best out of it… even if it’s really painful.

“Danny, would you stop laughing?” Lau said to him, annoyed. “You’re distracting me. Do you want me to pluck Pel’s eye out instead?” Danny – who should stop laughing now – threw another laughing fit instead at Lau’s statement.

“Yes please.” He answered.

“I’m gonna kill you!!!” I shouted at him. “I swear I’m gonna stab you with a kitchen knife!”

“You do that,” He chuckled mockingly. “if you ever survive that eye brow plucking that is. Haha!”

“Ughh! Lau, do something!” I ordered, my voice imitating a 5 year old.

“Would you two stop acting like babies?! Or else I’m going to pluck both of your eyes out.” With that statement said, we both shut our mouths. We were like kids being reprimanded by their mother.

“Question,” Danny spoke again. “Does he know where you live?”

“Yeah.” I answered. “He found out when…” I just noticed that until now, I haven’t told them about when Jay saved me from the gangsters and walked me home.

“When what?” Danny asked, his eyebrows now furrowed out of curiosity.

“Never mind.” I mumbled.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Lau stopped her eye brow plucking on me and looked at me straight in the eye. “Is there something you’re not telling us, Pel?”

“No.” I answered immediately.

“Then how did he find out where you live exactly?” her hands were now on her hips and her eye brow was raised.

“I-I…um,” Why the heck was I speechless? I was only going to tell them what happened that Monday. It wouldn’t do any harm.

“Well?” Lau retorted while Danny was just staring at me with a blank expression.

“H-He just found out last Monday. You know, when I wasn’t talking to you guys.” I reminded them.

“OMG! Why didn’t you tell me!” her eyes widened with surprise. “You have to tell me every single detail.”

“B-But… Can’t I tell you later? I mean, I do have a date to attend to, remember?”

“You still have 3 hours before your date.” Danny suddenly spoke. “I’m sure you still have time to tell us the whole story.”

Dang it! Danny’s no help at all. Well, I hesitated at first but eventually gave in. “Fine.”

And so, I told them from when I was pissed at Danny and Paul teasing me about my braid, Kate accusing me of stealing her boyfriend, some gangsters tried to bully and rape me, to when Jay saved my life and walked me home.

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