Extra Chapter 1

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Extra  Chapter 1

~5 years later~

“Where are you going?” I asked Lau as she wrapped her green scarf around her neck.

“I thought I told you I’m going to hang out with Paul today.” She reminded.

“Oh right…” I said in realization as I rested my forehead on my palm. “forgot about that.”

“Unless you want to come, then that’s alright with us.” She insisted.

“No, no. I’m fine staying here. I wouldn’t want to be the third wheel and make your date awkward.” I told her. “Besides, I’m waiting for Danny to be online in Skype too and not to mention I’ve got tons of homework waiting for me.”

She chuckled. “Oh, waiting for lover boy I see.”

“Shut up.” I threw a pillow at her.

She giggled as she caught the pillow that was about to land on her face. “Well, have fun with that.”

I smiled. “You too. With Paul, I mean.”

“Thanks. Well, bye.” She waved her hand at me as she walked to the door.

“By the way, bring me home some food. I don’t wanna cook anymore. Bye.”

She rolled her eyes. “I will, I will.”

With that statement said, she finally left our dorm room, leaving me alone with my laptop that was currently on my Skype profile.

You might as well have guessed that Lau and I are room mates. Along with Paul who is enrolled in a university only a few blocks away from ours. Danny’s the one who’s the farthest from us. He was accepted in some university extremely far away from home. So he’s unable to hang out with us as well as our only way of communicating is through Skype and emails. I have to say, I’m really happy for him, getting accepted in a prestigious university and all. That just proves that he’s really smart…than me. However, I have to admit. I really miss him. Sure, he comes home during half of Christmas breaks and half of summer breaks but that wasn’t enough for me. After high school, I’ve been asked to endure this long distance relationship which I have accepted since day one. But after the years had gone by with only the internet as our instrument of hanging out, I’ve been gradually regretting that I said I can endure it. I mean, I—

Suddenly, someone called my Skype. Finally, he’s online! I immediately answered the call and his face instantly covered my whole screen. I could’ve sworn some tears were tempted to spill.

“Hey babe.” He greeted with one of his charming smiles.

“Hey.” I croaked. Seriously, my tears want to spill. Well, our last Skype call was a few months ago which maybe explains why I’m on the verge of tears since I haven’t seen him in ages. “Wow, you’re sideburns sure do change your appearance a lot.”

He chuckled. “Sorry. I didn’t have time to shave. Busy and all.”

I giggled. “That’s alright. It looks good on you.”


“How you doing?” I tried starting up a casual conversation.

“I’m doing fine. You?”


“Well, that’s good.”

“Unfortunately, Lau isn’t here since she’s on a date with Paul,” I told him. “which kind of makes me alone here.”

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